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all right well welcome back to my channel so I'm gonna explain to you a low battery sensor and also the what is a power switch so first of all low battery sensor uh when your battery you first you need to have batteries like you see over here I got two batteries so each of them is 1 000 um energy that it provides once you accumulate it by a solar panel or or wind turbine okay so I have a total of two thousand all right and it says 86 percent right so now let's say you have a power generator in this case I have a power cell generator or you can have a diesel power generator but I don't have power I don't have diesel generator yet I will in the future and I suggest that you that you produce diesel generator because it consumes uh fuel this one over here which I'm gonna call it this guy over here he consumes a liquid fuel which is easier to get in a sense but otherwise you uh you can do this one as well uh but this one consumes a power cell and this is hard to get so if you don't want to use your power cell generator 24 7 uh unless necessary this is what you need to do you need to have this guy over here low battery sensor make sure everything is well connected if you see wires on the ground if they are well connected like this right and uh once it's well connected you're gonna put this uh to a control circuit number I put in number two it doesn't have to be number two it could be one two three or four but as long as you have you know a number and that this one has the same number so it should be act number two as well it's already number two right so then when you go over here you see it says 20 threshold what it means is that when these when you see over here when it is goes down to 20 it means that my low battery sensors will activate my power cell generator and it will start consuming my Power Cell but this is good for 14 days so this is really for emergency you know what I'm go you know what I mean make sure that this is turned on all the time so if you see a green check mark it means it it means it is turned on so control circuit two uh active circuit two but right now you see it's not it is not supplying any energy why because my battery is already at 86 percent it needs to go below 20 or you can change it if you say oh no you know what I want to go to I don't know 70 that you can choose to activate it you can do that too but me I don't want that because 70 is too much uh I go down to 20 or even 30 but I'm gonna leave it at 20 and I don't think I'm gonna have any energy issue because I have two batteries first of all and I have all these solar panel as you can see they're all connected and they generate a lot of energy during the daytime so this is important and make sure that any uh circuit so if you choose number two make sure that any other devices is not connected to number two because if you put let's say the C this guy is connected to number three if you put this guy to number two there's gonna be a conflict and I did it in a in the past and there was a conflict with these two over here so it's so you don't want to do that so make sure this is this the pole over here this is what is this this is a floodlight so make sure it is connected you can put the control circuit to a different number than two maybe put in number three number four number one or none all right so now you're gonna say why is it at number three all right uh now I'm gonna explain to you this guy over here power switch see it says uh active circuit one this one on the side the other one over here it says active circuit three so now I just talk about number three so this is number three flood light is also other devices this guy over here we call it lightning rod is on number three so every lightning rod is at number three floodlight number three all right so what happened is that if I if I tell if I go over here and I turn off my power switch so what it means that all my devices like all my floodlight and also my lightning rod will turn off so if you want to save energy you know it's good usually you want to use uh you want lightning rod you know to be applied to a different circuit because this is useful during uh with like when it rains see right now it's raining so you want to turn it on but the problem is that it is I also combined it with the light which I has nothing to do with lightning you understand but that's because I chose to but I could switch I could put this one number four uh number four so you know just so that so that it doesn't blend with each other so this one number four over here uh this one is number three leave it there so I only have three floodlight I think one two three is it true yep so everything every other lightning Rose at number three now the flood lights are number four wait changing to number four somebody needs to come and switch it once number four but if I do number four because I only have two power switch I need to do another power switch so you're gonna click this guy press V then you're gonna do another one like here boom and then I'm gonna put this one on number four so that number four will be linked to um all my you know uh floodlight what happened is that during the day I'm gonna turn it off so I'm gonna say hey you know what during the day turn it off so that I can save energy you know you know what I mean if you need to save energy usually I don't need to because I have more than enough energy but you know you never know right oh there's.

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