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stranded alien dawn alchemy


DeveloperHaemimont Games
PublisherFrontier Foundry
Where to download
GenresSimulation, Strategy
Release Dates
12th October 2022  Windows — World Wide

welcome back to stranded alien Dawn the real episode one all right so I made so many mistakes last episode it wasn't even funny uh the biggest mistake I made was not picking my survivors okay so we have to start over you know we learned a lot in the first episode let's do a real first episode I went ahead and went through all these people you know part of the reason I didn't want to go through all the survivors was because I have a thing called analysis paralysis I like to min max so I'm going through here trying to figure out well this person's good in farming and this one's good intellect what do I do you know what forget all that because I'll never get to play if I keep doing that so let's just go through our people I've got two ladies and two gentlemen all right so we've got Carla I have no idea to say that last name probably mess up the first name as well from satisfyingly gross slimes to intricate jewelry there is nothing that The Talented kinda can't make from regular household items and cheap craft supplies her book change your life with the magic of DIY became a bestseller and Kana has Cana Cana Cana and you guys let me know strong a or not uh has millions of followers on social media oh cool um eagerly oops sorry eagerly awaited awaiting her latest tips and tricks alright so here's the traits uh relax relaxes by writing short stories that Inspire others when read that sounds awesome refuses to eat meat yeah it's not a great one I'm gonna fix some berries and she's a half-sister of Ken and basically she's gonna be my crafter and she's kind of got a lot of other skills that aren't that bad um she could probably cook a little bit and now she's mostly going to be crafting um but yeah that crafting skill is so high and I love her short stories thing all right so she's got a half sister oh sorry she's a half sister of Ken and here's Ken all right uh brought up on the world brought up on a world in constant Wars like most of his friends can can finish high school and trained to be a soldier young and feisty he prefers he prefers giving rather than taking orders however and after just a handful of military operations he was discharged for insubordination since the age of 18 he has found this place among the ruthless gangs of the space Marauders okay um he he fights twice twice more scraps metal during Scavenging operations and Expeditions interesting uh he's bloodthirsty he gets happiness when he observes death so that's good because he's great combat he's the half-brother of Kana and Grandson of Yoko all right so look at his stats man I mean these combat of seven and he's interested in it and he's good at physical um for those who don't know physical or the ability of this uh the physical ability of the Survivor it affects the speed at which the Survivor performs activities such as Scavenging Mining and cutting all right so he that's a really good pick right there I really I really like that guy then we've got Quinn all right uh Quinn is on the lookout for his twin brother Ace I wonder if his twin brother will be in the game like one of the survivors I meet or something a susp a suspect of Murder On The Run determined to find out the find out the truth he wanders the universe as an onboard engineer hoping to catch the trail of his brother interesting um he loves going Expeditions um exhibitions take less time permanently increased happiness I really like that permanent increased happiness I got him for his construction he's actually good in intellect and physical as well he's probably gonna be my intellect guy as well so then we've got Rita a lively and strong wheeled Rita always has an interest in plants so it was no surprise that she graduated top of her class in Xeno xenobotany what shocked everyone was her decision to decline a job as a lecture lecturer and sign for a program helping planets on the verge of ecological collapse this uh this would take Rita on all sorts of weird places around the universe something that she greatly enjoys and treasures all right so I got her for her farming and she's not a bad backup combat person uh and it hurts like date that as well though she's not interested in it so um yeah all right and uh has a chance to field observe unknown species during Expeditions as permanent increased happiness I that happiness means a lot to me all right so that's my crew let's go ahead and start the game and here we are not as creative a start as before what the hell I guess stuff's still crashing in anyway um here we are all right this is the start it's not as good as last time because I don't see any berries uh I did look around and there are some berry bushes over here that aren't too far but um actually that's a pretty good Berry Patch right there it's a lot farther than before though um so I'm gonna have to look for some berries and try and get some berries over here because we do have a vegetarian all right I went through their management Tab and their activities and yeah it's not perfect but you know it's it's better than it was before um that's my Constructor um right here that's my hunter right here is my Harvester uh uh there's um cut down trees that's like it's like a one uh the reason I can't use can or Quinn is because they're doing too many other things so I'm gonna have to use a one to cut down trees there's not much I can do about that um Scavenging planting I chose Candice scavenge because he has that um one trait or is it uh five choices more scrap metal during Scavenging operations I didn't know what Expeditions were apparently Expeditions are um orders Camp it's it's in here somewhere um you could do Expeditions yeah there we go and those go like really far away I'll look into those later though I might not actually be able to do them yet but all right so because we did episode one you know just just got a couple days ago I'm gonna set up a little base camp here uh just a little bit a couple Hots couple sleeping quarters and then uh I'll come back all right so I got a little sleeping Quarters here I'm gonna have everyone sleep together for the first night or two and then I will separate the sleeping quarters one mistake that I made last episode one of many mistakes was the sleeping quarters um by the way if you see a question mark that means they're idle um the sleeping quarters were too close together and people were disturbing each other's um sleep so that was that was a bit of a problem last episode I also have some tree cutting going on and down here I have the studying of a bush uh this one right here right 10 studied uh the idea is to get is pick as many berries as I can and then maybe start a farm up here so I don't have to go all the way down there all the time it's not as good as last start with the berries but what are you gonna do I've also got Ken Scavenging right here so that's what we're looking at so far okay the berries have been studied which is awesome I think we're gonna pick some of these now um I don't know if I should think all of them probably not we'll just pick a bunch of them go ahead and harvest those somebody um I I have found some pants and a bunch of food which is awesome um we only have uh four medicines we started with ten I think they might have used them because they got hurt in the crash so you know it is what it is I guess that's understandable I do have four sleeping Quarters here the problem is there's no walls to like separate them so I'm gonna see if this will work if this will still give me Disturbed sleep it might uh but you know I don't know I'm also studying this bush right here because oh there we go we got a cloth Blossom all right there's the health the growth the growth rate temperature soil um it's growing uh it gives you cloth fail chance at farming blah blah blah I can't Harvest it because it's not ready um what I need is sticks I'm not really sure I thought I'd get sticks from that maybe I could sticks if I cut them I think I got some more over here I think I might cut those down I'd like to I'd really like to just pick them for cloth I'm assuming I could Farm them yeah I think I could Farm them all right I'm gonna cut these down they're gonna kind of be in the way of the building anyway so let's just go ahead and we'll Harvest them first and then we'll cut them I think that'll be a good idea all right we do have we do have Quinn who is not doing anything so let's see what Quinn's deal is uh Quinn buddy old pal what do you got going on here man all right so he would be doing the mining uh yeah okay do we want to do this wait wait he's not researching that's right I'm not researching anything okay so I'm gonna research something else that I'm gonna get to work on a research bench actually I don't know if there's anything else in this immediate area to research um I'm not really seeing anything that's obvious oh blade grass go observe that buddy all right cool now he's doing his thing I am going to uh set up some more insufficient storage space okay that's not that's not gonna work for me uh um okay I see why all right so I basically made it so this storage space wouldn't be used and then I had it emptied and now we're going to deconstruct it and then we're going to move one more bed over here and what we'll do is this will be another storage space right here okay so bed open spot storage space bed open spot storage space and then rinse repeat and we'll see if that'll work for them while that's doing that I will go ahead and make some more shelters now this is going to be for crafting stuff now okay so I'm not really sure I'd like to put this right here but I don't want the wall to disappear I don't think there's any way to do that right that wall is going to disappear I want these buildings separate if I do it like this um actually if I do it like this will the wall disappear I think it will yeah that's what I thought all right so cancel that okay well I'm still learning the building and if I do the shelter like this how does that work okay it disappears that way okay all right all right this is what I'm gonna do I want those things to stay you know I can always move this stuff back you know what no I'm okay with that that'll be cool because I could move the sleeping stuff back and make it a little deeper which you know would probably be better for them it'd be like oh man I'm more protected you know uh straight camp this this hold down shift and there we go all right and then what we could do is we could put the sleeping areas back here and then have the workbenches up here or yeah I don't know we'll see we'll see how that works so we're gonna do is we need to deconstruct this and then we move the bed okay that should work that should work my friends I might actually um uh make these storage areas all the way to the end I'm not really sure how I'm going to do it just yet I don't think this is the ultimate building mechanic in the game I think there's other building mechanics you can you can do so all right we're going to go ahead and cut these down because I'm hoping I get like sticks for them because I need sticks for the fire I've been trying to make a fire forever and I need sticks so it is what it is let's go ahead and speed up time a little bit so we're gonna check these people to see if they're we're gonna give another day and then we're gonna check their sleeping and see if they have this uh undisturbed sleep this guy's still sleeping next to somebody so oh no he's still got disturb sleep okay all right I think I'm gonna make like an uh sleeping area maybe like pretty far away and this would be like a crafting area now where would I want to make the sleeping area I think over here would be pretty cool let's do that now so we're gonna need one for each person and we don't want them connected there there in there we'll see I'm still learning insufficient Metals okay well he should be getting medals shouldn't be much of a problem is there still metals on the ground I do have one person hauling because you need someone to deliver because otherwise stuff stays on the ground and if it stays on the ground it's gonna go bad all right that's fine we're learning we are learning oh yes science I gotta get a science thing going all right so I think right here is okay to put a Furniture production no science research desk and this is one problem I had last episode oh we're making out of wood dedicated space for experiments of research now is this one like more efficient I don't think it is yeah I'm gonna make the wooden one so this is one mistake I was making last time I wasn't paying attention where the arrows were so um yeah it seems like a good spot right there sure why not and we're also going to make a workbench what is a chopping block for oh splitting of wood oh you can split wood into okay you know what I'm gonna chop them anyway they're gonna be in the way but yeah so you could split wood into sticks that's great that's great trying rack uh we need sticks for that um we could do this one right now drives raw resources over time has built-in has a built-in roof slows down the drying process but allows products to be stored longer before spoiling so it's a large drawing right the small one drives resources over time all right so I'm assuming this one's better comes with its own roof yeah let's go ahead and make it all right so that uh I don't know look right there seems like a good spot for a trying rack yeah so they're gonna get Disturbed sleep because they're still close to each other uh we're obviously hungry yeah Disturbed sleep is a problem okay that's a problem we have to fix ASAP all right let's go ahead and speed up time did we get those fruits we did so we have we have something for the uh uh for the what do you call it the vegetarian to eat so that's cool so we just found uh more Electronics I found Electronics earlier and I've got more electronics and we've just finished a research desk so let's go ahead and do some research what did I do first last episode weaponsmithing right yeah yeah all right weapon smithing and now our Science Guy should be going crazy now he doesn't have a high science skill Who Is It Anyway is it Quinn uh he doesn't have a high intellect but he's interested in it um I don't know what interested means but I'm thinking that maybe either it makes him happy or he's somebody's quicker one or the other all right so we're looking good there um I should probably chop some trees yeah maybe sure no not eight five sounds good chop some trees okay so everyone's doing well um camp we still have the they're not doing this so these are set up to cut but no one's cutting so let's see what we got going on with the cutting um yeah you should really oh number one's delivery and it's more important than cutting but they really cut kind of shouldn't be delivering that much more unless she's delivering the berries oh she's cutting the berries okay well that is more important okay let's let him do our thing by the way you see the little thing in the background that's their happiness um so yeah we gotta do something with this guy uh burnout it's always do this do that I must relax just do something to distract myself okay let's see if we can do something for happiness we cannot we need Hay all right cool we'll do some hay um is this doing the right ones hey hey yeah it all looks good caught him I think we need another person to cut I don't have anyone else that's good at it though let's take a look um actually I've got a few people that are good at it but can well it would give something can it would give something different for Ken to do but he is Scavenging and that's important I still need more metal and he gets twice the amount of stuff from Scavenging but he is not happy oh boy I don't know what to do with him um all right you know what let's put a hold on scavenger we can't have this guy freaking out he's like he's like a big combat guy he starts shooting up the colony uh let's go ahead and put cutting is number one for him no no not her shires look at the wrong person yeah Ken so hunt scavenge right there number two he should start he should start uh cutting now and that'll give him something different to do hopefully brighten his mood up a little bit it looks like we're gonna have enough metal for that last one anyway all right so you will get moved over here you we'll get moved over here you let me get rid of this Disturbed sleep if it kills me how long does disturb sleep last for um eight on foot yeah a few fun things to do in sufficient food variety dude you've got rations and berries what the hell else do you want that's pretty good food variety actually um yeah it seems like the the the the sleep thing isn't really that big of a deal because it goes away pretty quick so all right well then be that meeting on foot is definitely something I could take I could take care of um we'll put a nice uh nice wooden table in here maybe put a couple of them like that yeah actually one will be good for now and then we'll put some chairs okay so that stuff's in the way um yeah you know what let's just put this up against the wall all right it's just about morning let's see how everyone's doing with the um insufficient food okay everyone that's insufficient food variety so I'm gonna look I'm gonna work on that next um yeah this stuff um they're not like worried about people waking them up in their sleep anymore so that's cool all right the happiness is definitely going up uh food is my next thing I need this to get done first can I put this on priority I don't think I can can I make someone cry um you know what can I force someone to just craft that one item um Queen is my crafting guy he's also my research guy by the way having your crafting guide in your research guys the same guy is not great um Quinn uh construct shopping log reserved by katana cancel okay Arcana sorry all right well I think she'll she'll make that but I want her to make that next um so yeah she's gonna do that next all right cool very good all right now we can get some sticks all right so sticks um I'm gonna do I guess ten I could have just pressed the 10 button all right now let's do 20. all right until 20. so it's three logs for 10 sticks okay great that's awesome so we've got until 20. so we'll always have 20 sticks uh our logs are not looking great but that should be okay let's go ahead and cut down a few more trees I put down a um a shooting target thingy here and we also have to finish this this needs to get done like right now so let's have I never remember who my building guy is I think it's Quinn yeah it's Quinn okay let's have Quinn stop what he's doing and construct the workbench all right that's cool I like that because then I can have I can Target things to do oh by the way I also made a storage thingy over here a wooden shelf storage I don't really know what makes that better or whatever but it is what it is uh so Rita's researching wasn't Quinn researching oh that's right I'm both researching okay so Quinn is the one that's interested in researching but Quinn can also do control you know what let's have Quinn do some construction have the other one research uh and then you know that'll be cool they're both threes just out of Quinn doing it because he's you know all right so okay so that's just some storage stuff right there cool and let's go ahead and do that and then I'm probably going to take some of these storage things out of The Middle so let's go ahead and empty and deconstruct there we go all right cool all right so we found a lot of like web like pants and stuff let me see if we found any weapons um let's go ahead and see if there's any guns no guns yet no weapons of any kind but I think he's got a better oh scavenge it's probably not it probably hasn't gotten brought back yet I guess oh wait no that's that's just that's a jacket that's a t-shirt all right so this is five one zero zero yeah we still don't have it back yet all right that's fine I'm assuming people I do have someone on hauling Duty right yes I do this this person will do nothing if there's anything to haul now we do have our um shooting target thing up which is cool and I think we're looking pretty good we got the table built here where they can sit out and eat and yeah this is all looking a lot better this is looking a lot better I think I'm gonna deconstruct and empty this one as well okay that is looking pretty good let's see what let's see what else we can make we've played some Farms uh yeah okay um Farms right here I wonder if the trees will grow back I don't know uh two by two fruit Fields soil clay negative 50 oh there's different oh I see negative 50 growth negative 50 negative 60 negative 50 negative 50. oh boy, so what was the growth down by the bushes wait is that negative 75 growth or does that mean 75 growth I think it means 70 oh yeah I think it means 75 growth so should we grow them over here what is the best we can get over here 75 I think the best we can get over here is 60. I think we should probably just go for the 60. oh, 100 growth oh hell yeah you see how it says um soil whatever the soil is then the dash I thought that Dash went negative but it doesn't all right cool um put one there uh put one oh hold on hold on a sec uh remove field all right let's try this again oh Farms berries 88 100. so if I hold down the shift key it's all one thing I want to really make one that big I don't think so let's make it that big for now and then we'll just kind of take it from there now our farmer is like farming right um cut Minecraft Harvest construct is it plant yeah I think it's plant so plant is six that's Rita let me just double check our stats yeah farming and she's interested in it okay Rita we need to get you on farming Duty uh we're gonna put that as number one and she's not my hauler so that's good all right that should work so check this out these guys are actually reading stuff that's freaking awesome I love it Oh Canada is going crazy hold on let's try again um insufficient food variety um well we're cooking the rations that should help with that I think a few fun things to do stressed out tired so he's got this thing right here but he doesn't have anything to shoot it with but I did make some bows so I don't know if they finished the bows or not but Ken's not looking too good here let me see if I can give Ken a bow uh nope those aren't done yet son of a bee okay is someone crafting I need someone crafting Craft um well they're delivering crafting is important delivering is important but if they you know when we put cutting up the three and just have you craft because Ken the thing is I'm not sure what makes them happy you know like what can I do to make them happy uh I know what I could do to stop with the tiredness but I'm stressed out yeah in these he needs proper entertainment uh okay so there's other things I could do from Tim I could do this thing but I need leathers and I could do this but I need dartboard so Ken gets happy if he sees death I wonder if shooting animals would help with that I mean it's death right if I send him out the hunt maybe that would help uh oh here we go big horned animals I don't know why these guys are dead but okay well we'll get leather from them so butcher butcher man there's a lot of dead I hope these things don't attack I don't know what's been killing these guys butcher hopefully nothing that screws everyone over here butcher okay so who's gonna butcher that's a good question that's gotta be uh collecting Harvest from Wild and domesticated plants nope hunting others tend to approach pray the most highly deadly movement they're spotted effective activities hunting and butchering okay so he's the Hunter Ken should go out and butcher these guys when he wakes up because that's what that's what he should do because his hunting is uh too and the only thing that would he would do before hunting is um healing and he doesn't need to heal anybody production got a new production thing oh yeah the furnace Okay cool so we are gonna need some Stone who would mind this Stone uh mine that's Ken but also this guy can do it uh yeah let's mine the stone I'm gonna put Ken's mining up to three I really don't want him like doing the whining right now all right so let's go ahead and get some Stone okay speed up time get this show on the road once he wakes up he won't be exhausted anymore well he's not exhausted anymore anyway but he is hungry yeah I'm worried about Ken really worried about cam um see again I don't know what would give him Joy except for shooting things one thing I could probably do is put up lights um sure why not I mean another one here and here I don't know how good these lights are gonna be also they're supposed to be um other like torches I can use not under orders light and heat there we go wall torches or wooden torches now should I put these wooden torches in bedrooms because wouldn't that like disturb their sleep or they turn it off before they go to sleep I mean is that really my fault if you don't turn off your torch before you go to sleep so we'll have to see how things are going to go who's gonna build construction all right you will build Quinn and you will do science man Quinn's killing me plant okay so I did extend these blueberry bushes so they're planted and that's that uh Ken Kenny Ken he's good at too many things it's a problem all right so construction I'm gonna have oh actually Quinn is my construction guy okay Quince yeah Quinn's fine I mean I want him to mine but construction can come first that's fine I'm not in a super hurry with that and it says hungry will go away and and okay it was annoyed by Rita all right fair enough somewhat fed decently fed okay so is someone cooking the rations uh a cause for celebration we put together a camp as quickly oh yeah this is the celebration thing we know about that yes let's have the celebration thing for sure for sure so these are storage Chester working or whatever I don't know um I guess okay so here's my thought on these I think each level like level one level two and level three I think each level holds as much as one of these storage thingies that's what I'm thinking but who knows all right Kenny are you going bud yeah Ken's gonna have to shoot I need that crafting to get done man like who's my crafter why aren't they doing it crafter crafter Crafter um are they still delivering is kind of still delivering yep you gotta deliver though man you can't leave stuff out or it's gonna spoil all right are you done delivering yes make those bows please aggressive animals uh and I have no weapons I have zero weapons I can't believe I even scavenged any weapons like how's it even possible I'm hoping I could just avoid them where are they all right so they're in the woods all right you know what we need weapons Khanna you are going on number one weapon crafting Duty cook um Harvest construct craft number one I know I know it shouldn't mess around we need those bows oh is she crafting a that looks like a a spear did she craft the bows already any boy we might have something for you no that looks like a spear did I put the spears no the short wheel is right there not enough resources son of a biscuits what am I missing okay the thing I think I was missing for the bow was the sticks I thought I was missing the the fabric but the fabric like as far as I can tell fabrics and Leather Group includes you see the third one that's cloth and I think I have cloth so um that should be okay um Ken's gonna have a meltdown um burnout he's doing the same thing your harvesting animals Ken when was that it's the first time you ever harvested an animal bro what do you mean burnout okay well I don't know about that Kenny boy but yeah I mean he's harvesting animals like seriously he hasn't done that before all right so it's insufficient oh it says right there sticks okay great okay cool all right so we just gotta wait and hope the bugs don't attack I uh okay so as I was like learning the game um I probably should have done a little bit less of some other things like maybe this whole like sleeping next to each other it really doesn't matter that early maybe I shouldn't have done the bushes I'm not really sure one thing's for sure I should have got that weapons bench up faster and I should have like got people going on that also um maybe I need to not have construct maybe I need to like when I pick my characters not have like certain characters that are too good at certain things like crafting and and science was was a rough one I've been the science has been great I was really good on the science but you know some of the other things all right Ken we're gonna wait until he gets back because I don't want to stop him from doing what he's doing what the frick are those oh boy oh we got an animal attack oh my unknown species okay all right Ken you gotta get back bro draft get back all right who's my other fighter is it her I think it is her yes all right so I could give you a spirit yeah this is a really bad setup here man I had laser weapons and last time now I've got some woman with a spear and nothing else oh boy hurry up with those Spears man all right you will be drafted now where are those bugs all right they're over there okay so we'll put you right out there uh you right there yeah this is gonna go horribly wrong oh boy oh boy oh boy they're coming in Ken's coming back can you need to get a spear my friend he's not even yeah okay so we're gonna go right there hopefully he'll get a spit now that Spirit can be ready we're gonna be punching bugs to death it's weird that I didn't find any laser pistols this time right we're just gonna drive to everyone and go ham I don't know what else to do okay whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen quickly and the bugs are all dead okay all right undraft and let's see we got here these two are bleeding so that's not good superficial bleeding bites yeah they're all screwed up all right so leading two per hour bleeding two per hour mild 30. um, he's fine and she is okay I will put weight for treatment with her, and then I will put people on two on Craft two one plant, and then let's do heels wait who's hurt Quinn and Rita all right good well Reed Is A Healer but um so we have to put someone else on healing probably all right you're gonna go on healing all right let's see if we can heal these guys and keep them alive, uh so nobody's going over there to heal them you know another thing we can do is make more bandages right um craft bandages okay keep uh you know what keep 20. all right go ahead and so nobody's healing them I'm not really sure why the healing is on number one all right I think she's going over to heal him now campfire's sitting oh this is this is a show people all right so you were being treated but I don't have any things left I don't know why um like Ken isn't I put Ken on healing didn't I um yeah healing number one I'm not really sure why he's getting food still why are these guys bleeding thank God they're not attacking me all right that's it for treatment oh there's still healing huh so what are they healing with I only have first aid kits they're starving can they bring them food like why wouldn't they bring them food all right we're gonna go long here see how this goes soaking wet okay okay so she's back she's back all right cool so Rita can now heal um let's put Rita on healing and then we gotta take uh guys you're gonna help uh old Quinn there is anybody to help Quinn there's nobody like Quinn all right I need bandages as well so the person who's Crafter who is Connor will also um well she's going to heal Quinn let's let her heal Quinn and then we'll just like bang out bandages after that I don't know if bandages are gonna be good enough to heal the kind of stuff that this does let's take a look make bandage from cloth pieces bandage scrap cloth okay it doesn't say anything I don't know about like how good those bandages are but um I think that's about all I got and I think the next thing I want to do is oh didn't we have someone else who was hurt okay uh don't wait for treatment anymore no wait for treatment because you need to help him as soon as that person's done being helped I will have her get treated I don't know maybe you can treat it without health kits it's just harder uh please help us improve the game I've already I've already said that I've already done that thing before all right you don't have to wait for treatment anymore you are doing okay I guess okay all right so Rita's gonna yep okay cool all right so everyone's getting treated all right what I want to do now is I'm going to put Ken back on Scavenging so um he's actually a pretty good healer I'm gonna put it on two hunt on two and then Scavenging on two I do want him to finish butchering the rest of those things out there although maybe I should put him on scavenge have someone else do that all right we're gonna put you on two and then this one too Rita will heal until there's no one left to heal and then they will do the hunting which means they will go out and butcher those guys I don't want Ken going out there to do the to do the uh hunting right now I want you to scavenge Ken all right I guess he's gonna go out there and do it anyway oh no Scavenging this no he's going out there and do it anyway I do stuff to Scourge right yeah Scavenging process that one is um zero six I mean that one's done all right there we go okay oh boy that was a that was a show man what's with this bird it's a bird out of here man observe someone observed the bird we gotta put our science person back on all right you know what I gotta stop this at some point it's gonna be like a freaking hour-long video all right um we will put these guys on butcher and I think I'm gonna stop right here we survived an attack where we had one person with a spear and the rest were just punching the enemy I think next episode I need to concentrate on happiness and weapons um I kind of got unlucky like when my first game I found two laser pistols I like I think later on in the game uh that I didn't record I found like a laser spear I found like all kinds of weapons but you know what guys if you're playing do not count on finding those kind of weapons because um it's obviously not guaranteed so next episode I do have to concentrate more on weapons um what are we missing here sticks right probably all right guys.

stranded alien dawn alchemy
