Are you ready for survival? Stranded: Alien Dawn lands into Steam Early Access today!
An Unforgiving World ✅
Stranded Survivors ✅
An Unpredictable Journey ✅
Modular Base-Building ✅
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Stranded: Alien Dawn
Platform: Microsoft Windows
stranded alien dorm now the game is currently in Early Access and releases tomorrow so it'll be on the 12th of October but I'm here today just to discuss my first impressions over a few hours with the game so if you haven't already hit that subscribe hit that like you know appreciate all the feedback and I love when devs how confident in their games to give out codes let's get started so a stranded alien Dawn is from heymont games it is an RTS strategy game based within crafting Resource Management surviving on a hostile World alien world in fact using bass construction combat defense all of that it's all modular and you can basically get a Vibe of what I like to think is fallout shelter meets no man's Sky meets The Sims it's a very cool mix of a lot of different games and it's points it's quite cinematic and I'm enjoying the management overall like I said Early Access from tomorrow and for me I'm very mid-level with these games I'm not a huge fan and I'm not a hater of them but what I found with this game is it has a super robust tutorial system so if you're not even like versed in these kind of games and it just piques your interest what you did for me at Gamescom when it was revealed you have tutorial stages for every aspect of the game if you want to learn the very basics of combat Base building management or you want to go further in depth with like farming how to manage moods and schedules everything like that there's a tutorial stage for all of that it's all sliced up in a very digestible stages that I took a few hours to get used to because it's been a while since I've played a game like this and as we know Frontier are kind of the master class Chefs of this genre around with games like Jurassic world Evolution and obviously Planet zoo Planet coaster Elite dangerous you know you're getting a lot of bang for your book a lot of detail within these games hence why they're publishing it now when you first start and you've got past that initial tutorial you'll just choose a seed apply those game rules and for me I love this because for testing it obviously giving this video to you guys today I just made a very basic easy run but others can go very hardcore with it and games like Stellaris which are not from Frontier but a similar kind of space RTS game have this kind of thing as well and I love that there's a lot of accessibility options difficulty options things you can adjust and I imagine they will add on this as well as Early Access ends and gets updated and such like that because I noticed there's multiple maps and starting points which was interesting and like I mentioned this is like Sims meets fallout shelter meets no man's Sky you've got that kind of sci-fi world but also the management of kind of key survival I was a new pick certain survivors at the beginning with different skills for the purpose of this I maxed all their skills just so I could kind of get used to the game and explore what everything does and yeah one of the first things that really struck me is how pretty the game is its visuals are really nice especially if it's kind of like bright and you see the lights kind of pouring through the trees or it's a thunderstorm and rainy you can really see the details here there was some rough Textures in places which I think was mainly like popping all that texture's not loading but overall I really like the kind of alien aesthetic it's got that retro vibe that no man's sky has as well which really adds to their overall feel now another thing I noticed as well as I was just playing the controls themselves like the map and the zooming in and out and everything it's all great map control you can go really close into the survivors you can zoom right out there is kind of a lot of I don't know what you'd call it kind of controller accessibility here I only use keyboard and mouse I have no idea if this use it works with controller or Not Sorry apologies there and yeah I had solid performance overall the SPs never dipped I didn't have any crashes didn't have any bugs or glitches which is surprising for an early access game like I said it was mainly just the rough textures and I enjoyed my time with it I'd spent a couple of hours in tutorial and a couple of hours in my own seed another things I noticed about this game is the building and placement is pretty decently made because it's modular you can displace things and you'll get like a highlighted blueprint area where the survivors are going to go then build it and scavenge things and place things you always know what's being built what's built you know there's this clear like there's clear markings of what everything is and how everything's going and what is the progress and such like that which isn't always the case with these kind of games you normally see things either instantly built partially built it's hard to tell what the survivors or what the team is focusing on I obviously went with a very basic base there's some incredible things I've seen from the developer pictures sort of like bases on top of mountains and farmlands and huge walls and everything like that I just went with your pretty much standard homeless shower just to have some fun with this game and as I mentioned as you go you research and expand the bass that's a core part and there's a vast kind of skill tree research table to unlock you can go from like caveman to like electricity you know solar panels all that like getting Farms guns traps everything so there's a lot for them to build on here and I imagine they could even do expansions for this in the future which would be cool the player management is surprisingly in-depth as well with skills schedules and drafting now the skills are very like Sims skill the skills will be there as a baseline thing so you can uh put one Survivor for cooking One Survivor for cutting down materials one to five for defending the base and you schedule these duties within a scheduled roster which is really cool as well you can put like relaxing sleeping work time whatever you want to do you can organize it so week to week these are on like a rotational automatic system and orders are important because you can order survivors at any point the one thing I don't know if I was missing is I couldn't see an order sheet I couldn't see like where the orders were appearing for each survival whether I ordered a Survivor it was whoever it was available I don't know if that was me or there was no clear way to see it so yeah that was a bit of an old one and drafting players is very important as well if you randomly get attacked or you want to break away from whatever the orders are you can draft that player pull them away take control of moving them around ordering to do to do them specific things at a time all in all this is a RTS management Gamers wet dream and if you're into that you will have a blast if you're not it's probably not for you for me I am in the middle like I've mentioned and I will explore and play more as updates come I wish I could show you more but sadly I've just been a bit sick not had a lot of time to actually dive into the game but these are definitely my early Impressions and Visually and performance wise this game is great it's definitely above average for the Early Access kind of standard of games we know Frontier have a pedigree with these kind of games as well we know that they do well the systems there are really in-depth but because of the tutorial you can literally make things as simple as you want like once you learn how to do things it's pretty simple to just get involved with the game enjoy the game I also loved the design of the kind of aliens of the world and the plants and the strange kind of Flora and Fauna really well done yeah I don't really have anything negative to say which is surprising because I always like to say pros and cons but didn't have any negatives at all like I mentioned previously at the start of this game you can choose what survivors to bring in and they've got like a character pool and roster you can choose from hopefully in time you can maybe create your own or I may have missed that I'm not sure I really do appreciate obviously being given Early Access to this game and I might do guides for it in the near future as well maybe updates I like doing things like that seeing a game grow so yeah stranded alien Dawn comes out tomorrow in Early Access and I'm quite excited I'm going to play a bit more.
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