you can actually cook food on your campfire if you simply left click it and go to quick recipes then you'll see what you're able to cook at the start of every game you will have rations so these are something that you can cook very early on into the game the cooked food will just help with the happiness of everybody in your Camp you can give a
Survivor direct orders for example I could left click on Krista right here then go over to these plants here right click them and tell it to observe or cut the Twisted plan I'm going to tell her to observe because she has fantastic research if you ever want to cancel that you can simply select her once again and right click the plan again and this time just hit cancel observing of the Twisted plan so now that we are going to do this and later on in the video you will see why so remember this plant I observed earlier I said it would come back later in the video well here's why if we left click this plant we can see that the harvestable yield from it is something called Skin bark and we get 10 of that from each plant now this is something that you're able to farm to make more of and I'm going to talk about Farms later on but for now let's look at what happens when we Harvest this so what we can do is go over to our workbench go to craft and then use the Skin Bar to turn into something called veggie leather this veggie leather is a fantastic early game alternative to the other type of leather in order to get the leather from animals you have to of course find them and then hunt them kill them bring the resources back to the camp and then hang the leather out to dry on the drying rack before it can be used in contrast the skin part can be harvested and turned into early game leather very quickly which will just speed up your early game it's a good idea to select your survivors and go to this tab right here which is the restrictions by default the raw food area is checked which is shown by The White Square being over here we want to go ahead and left click that so that we're now saying do not eat raw food and we're going to do this for each of our survivors to make sure that none of them are going to be eating any raw food in an emergency crisis if you're running super low on food and you have no other choice then sure you can turn that back on but unless you're in that situation you don't want to allow them to eat this raw food the reason being is the raw food can poison them and just generally make them quite unhappy versus the cooked food and as I mentioned as soon as you've got a campfire you can start cooking food anyway as you start to discover more Foods you'll of course to be able to cook more things on your
campfire and later your cooking stove so once we've found some veg we can start cooking up things like veggie soup now if we go back into the food restrictions you'll see the under raw food if we click on it it opens up these extra categories so for example we have veg here now and later once you hunt meat you'll have raw meat over here as well so you can really customize this and at some point you may want to allow them to eat the raw veg but not the raw meat as raw veg isn't too damaging to them whereas the raw meat can be and it can poison them and stuff so a little something to micro manage and keep on top of it's largely going to come down to if you're struggling with food and hunger or not but definitely something that you want to consider doing as you progress towards winter you'll be building bigger shelters and buildings part of this is all about keeping your survivors warm during winter and just one little tip that can be quite useful is just by hovering with your mouse button you can see the temperature of an area so for example with my mouse button here you can see in the top left it says 16 degrees and we are Outdoors if I come over to the fire area we can see how much the temperature is there under the roof and also next to the fire and if we compare that to something that's under the roof but not near the fire it's different again and then to the inside of my building here where once again it's even different again so this is just a quick way of checking the temperature in different areas if you click on one of your survivors and click on the clothing right here that's their inventory down at the bottom it does tell you they're cold and heat tolerance by clicking through the different survivors on this tab you can see at a glance what sort of temperature you're going to be looking to maintain both inside and in the outdoor areas that they're going to throughout the winter and at that stage you can add heaters and fireplaces and things like that as needed or not it is very important to find observe and harvest this plant right here ahead of winter this plant will start to produce its fruit in summer so that's a time when you can start to harvest it and then create your own Farms I have found that if you harvest this plant at the beginning of the summer you're able to then grow your own Farms out of it which will then be harvestable again before the end of the summer and as such I recommend you harvest these at the very start of summer so what are they well if we click on this right here you'll see that this is indeed a grain cob and the harvestable yield from it is grain they can be a little tricky to find and a little sparse which is why you want to find them ahead of the summer so that as soon as it gets to Summer you know exactly where you're going and you sent on over to pick up that grain so why is this so important well we need to research antibiotics before winter and as you can see here you do need to find grain in order to unlock that research now once that has been done you can get a setup like I have here so this is my grain Farm which has just been harvested which while there's loads of grain all over the floor that people are picking up from there they're going to put this grain into fermentation barrels you can see over here and that's how we make the antibiotics the fermentation barrels can be found in the production tab just here once you place them down you need to click ferment and choose to ferment antibiotics you will also be able to pickle your veg which gives it a longer shelf life now these antibiotics will then be stored and when you get to your first winter you may find you're having difficulties with pneumonia spreading through your camp and this can kill your survivors and you guessed it the cure for that is the antibiotics and that is why this is such an important tip and definitely something you should prioritize in your first year not only that but the grain does have other uses too if we go over to the instead of right here under the chef's recipes you'll see that grain is an ingredient in all different things so for example you see The Fruitcake here grain is an ingredient for that it's also an ingredient here for the mushroom croquets and you can even make a simple recipe of grain porridge so it has a lot of uses and that's why I recommend you farm it now in terms of farming let's talk about how we do that of course we have the Farms tab here and then we can select what we want to farm at this stage you simply select the crop you want to farm and then select an area where you want to farm it if you're not yet at the stage where you've rolled off your entire compound it is important that you build a fence around your farm as I've done with this one that's of course just under defense and then fences we build a fence the whole way around to prevent animals from coming and destroying our crops which they will do if you don't protect them don't forget when building a fence to include a fence doors so that survivors can get in and out of the field if you have Fields connected like this and you have fence doors on each of them then instead of putting a fence door in between you can simply use a fence gate this will just speed things up slightly as the fence gate can stay open at all times and they can walk freely between the two Fields when building buildings you have to start of course by placing down a floor when placing the floor you simply click and drag the area you want to make it however there is something cool you can do here you can use the middle Mouse button and by pressing in you'll see actually increases the height of your foundation the way this works is each time I press the middle Mouse button it gets a little bit higher until we get to the top and then when I press it it will start to come back down again you can also use the Z and X keys to do this and do it a bit more freely if you want to now what this does just allows you to add different levels to your bills if you would like to do it that way during the colder months of the year you can actually make natural refrigerators the huge benefit of these is they don't require power you also don't have to worry about doing the research for refrigeration if you would rather not and of course you don't have to build the fridge or freezer either now the way you do this is to build this storage outside but near whatever building it's going to be used most so just near wherever your survivors are going to be living and eating then select the storage unit go to the restrictions tab here and uncheck everything other than raw and cooked food so then it will look like this and at this stage that means only food will be stored on these shelves now because it's outside during the cold months the will actually naturally refrigerate all of this food and increase its shelf life without you again having to build a fridge or use power or anything like that I hope you
enjoyed these quick and useful
tips for stranded alien Dawn.
Stranded: Alien Dawn PC Steam Key GLOBAL
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