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   this is a beginner guide for stranded alien Dawn videos in this chapters allow you to navigate to General items that we're talking about however it is a complex game and so there are different tips in different parts of the videos that aren't necessarily relevant to those chapters so I do recommend you watch the entire video in order to get the most tips if you'd like to see more content on this game please do consider liking and subscribing the more people that do that is just an excellent gauge as to how popular this is but let's jump into today's video I'd like to say a quick thank you to Diablo II who helped me a lot with today's video by providing me with some tips I got checked him on the stranded alien Dawn Discord and I'll put a link to that Discord down in the video description if you guys want to check it out so the first decision we need to make in game are what survivors we want to take with us on to our new planet and there's quite a lot to read and consider here for all the different people they all have different stats and of course different positives and negatives what I'm going to do now is go through my decision as to the four people I suggest you take I will say though that depending on your own play style and things you enjoy in game you might want to do something a bit different this is just my suggestion so the first guy I really like is Ken and there are a few reasons for this first of all when you are Scavenging he will gather twice the amount of scrap metal that anybody else will and this is something that you will be doing quite a lot in the early part of the game similarly he also has the trait of bloodlust where he gains happiness when either killing or observing death if you couple that with his fantastic combat skill of seven and his good physical skill of four he makes an excellent early Game Hunter and salvager and these are two things you will be doing quite a lot of in the early game so I really like to have him in the team the next guy I quite like is Quinn because he's very good at construction and early on we are going to be doing a lot of building so it makes sense to have him doing that as well as that though he loves going on Expeditions and therefore they take less time and again that is going to be quite useful to the early to mid game plus he has permanently increased Happiness and happiness can be something that can be a bit of a struggle so definitely a good one to have now the next person I quite like is Krista but she is going to be a bit of a controversial one the reason I say that is that she is totally incapable of doing any crafting and has a movement speed decreased by 10 however intellect of seven is the highest out there and early on Research is going to be really really important so I like to have her in the camp and that's literally all she does I just let her worry about the research side of things she can also help out with the farming and cooking she's not terrible at those two things so later on you know we can move it to all that sort of stuff but research early game can literally be the difference between your town making it and not I find so I definitely want her to be in the crew and the final person I really like to include is recess let's put her up there and let's look at her stats so the reason I like her is her farming is excellent It's level six and something she's interested in so that's really going to be helpful because farming is going to be very important particularly in getting us through our first winter on top of that she's got the increased happiness and a chance to field observe unknown species during Expeditions so she's really just a great all-rounder and she does have combat and intellect attributes as well as a little bit of healing and other things so really I think Rita is an excellent person to have in your Camp so immediately once you are in Game you've just had the crash experience there and now you're looking to start up your town the first thing I like to do is simply pause and start looking around at the lay of and one of the wonderful things about this game is every time you play it you actually start in a completely new area so there are new challenges new positives and negatives every time you get started now you can see here that short term we're living in this little Valley area but if we wanted to head off this way for expansion it would prove pretty difficult with all the mountains and trees that are in the way however if I turn right around and we start heading down this way you can see that things start to get a little bit flatter and then a lot flatter once we get down to here on top of that we start heading towards water and a lot of natural resources and just flatish land that we can actually build on so immediately I know I want to start heading down in this direction and making use of that I just find it's good to know and plan out your town as early as possible and just know exactly where you want to be heading and what you're trying to achieve now one of the first things you're going to go ahead and make yourself is a shelter that you'll then put beds in for people to sleep in now when people are sleeping if they can hear people working nearby it will disturb them and this reduces their happiness which is something you want to try and keep as high as possible early on as such I'm going to build my thing over here for the shelter and I'm going to try not to have too much near it having the mountain behind means there's not really much that's going to be going on behind there and I'll just be sure not to build too much on the inside so with these shelters and the beds placed the next thing you're going to want to build is a campfire and actually brings me on to a useful tip if we click on the account button here and the campfire button you can see that if we hover over it it looks like things are Reddit out there in terms of the ingredients needed and you may think you're not actually able to build this and just sort of keep moving on to something else but if we left click it then it comes up with other options and at that point we can actually select this and place it down another thing you want to get into early on is the research side of things so if we go to science we can click research desk and place down a research desk of our choice it's a good idea to put things under shelters whenever possible this will help with your happiness of your workers later on especially when the weather gets bad like when it gets to Winter and that kind of thing in terms of the research itself under manage and then research over here there are different ways that you can go with this of course and a lot of it will be down to your own personal play style and that kind of thing but because I have Ken in my town I do want to do the spaceship deconstruction because he's really good at salvaging and then we can get on with doing a lot more of that now it's a good idea to start scheduling your workers early on into the game so we can go to manage and then schedule to open up this GUI at this point I like to tell my people to go to sleep at 10 o'clock every night so let's put that down there asleep for everybody and then sleep until 6 00 a.m that gives them eight hours each night where they're gonna be asleep and also if they're all asleep at the same time chances are they're not disturbing each other by working I then like to give them two hours in the morning where they can do anything they want to do followed by one hour of relaxation they then work from nine until five and from six onwards they're gonna have a bit more relaxation so basically two hours here of relaxation sounds good and then another hour here of the rest or the anything I should say in there early on into the game I also like to give them a little break there so I let them do anything here followed by a relax here now this is just how I start out and then depending on how the happiness goes I may make them work a bit more or a bit less or rest a bit more or a bit less but early on you do want to have these blocks because if you just have them working all the time and not telling them to relax and sleep they will get unhappy and happiness is definitely something that's important so it's gonna be something we're going to come back to throughout this beginner tips video because there are other things we can do to increase the happiness now after you've done the schedule it's a good idea to also lay out the activities so under manage we can click activities to load up this GUI and we have a couple options here we can do simple priorities so just like yep you're responsible for doing this and this and not this or we can have it like this where we change it to complex priorities and that's shown we're just having a cross next to these simple priorities and then we have these numbers that range from nothing like that right the way up to five and you'll see for example Krista she's unable to craft so we can't tell her to do any crafting anyway now early on into the game the simple priorities will be completely fine for us to use we can worry about complex things later on but let's just have a look at these simple ones for now so this is how I have mine set up and again this will depend on the people you have but the point I want to make here is to pay attention to this early on just pause your game take a little bit of time to look at who's good at what and then get them doing certain things now for example with Krista I've got her only doing research so the point of that is to get a lot of research done with just one person doing research through our game but she is very good at it and without going through everything in too much detail I just want to say of course make sure you have at least one person doing all of the different tasks you have available to you and at the very least just hover over and if I hover over Ken for example I know that okay so combat and physical that's what he's good at and that's what all of his tasks here are to do with so he's going to be constructing he's gonna be hunting he's gonna be cutting things down but he's not like planting and harvesting because we have other people to do that who are good at farming so make sure you do pay attention to this it will pay you a lot of dividends in the long run now early games can be important to harvest yourself a lot of food so a lot of berries and things like that however do bear in mind that the food will spoil so you don't want to gather too much of it once you've gathered a fair bit so between the four people if you have say a thousand more food that should be plenty maybe stop Gathering food at all and get onto doing something else being efficient early on into the game is really really useful and will really help now of course before you can actually gather food from these berry bushes and things you do need to make sure you are observing them so get someone doing that early on into the game it's also a good idea early on to make sure that you click on the ship that you landed in and get Scavenging it now if like me you have Ken make sure that he's the only one selected to do the Scavenging as he's gonna get double the resources so you only want him to do that stuff now there are some simple ways that we can increase the happiness of our Villages when we're starting out and one of them is the simplest place to down some furniture like these chairs right here so under Furniture we have a few different options and under chairs just by placing down wooden chairs them to sit on will actually make them pretty happy another thing we can do under light and heat is go to all torches and place down some of these wooden wall torches and replace one on that side and also one on this side over here and place down just a few more over on these buildings as well the darkness is something that can upset your villagers so having a little bit of light around the place will definitely help with that the other thing they really like is to eat sat at a table so it's a good idea to make a table early on into the game and we're going to make that first before we put the chairs around it so I'm gonna go ahead and put that down here and then after that goes to the chairs and get some of these chairs here now you see that if I just bring the chairs up to the table they actually will snap to it so that's quite useful once while we place the table first so we can put two over on this side and two over on this side as well and then everybody has a chair at the table and they can sit there and eat their food which will make them a bit happier the next thing I like to do is make a new storage area underneath the shelter and put that near to where we're going to be eating on a regular basis the way we can do that is just by placing down the storage and putting a bit of a stockpile in there it can be a good idea to store your food near your table and chairs as well in order to speed up efficiency so the way we do that is under the storage area here we can go on to these storage shelves and select whichever shelves you like it says here that it will store resources but cannot fit the large construction resources so that's perfect for what we need so I'm going to select that and just put them over here next to the table there we go very good and because it cannot hold any stone on wood and that sort of thing that will go over in the stockpile area over here and then we'll be left with just food stuff here which is really near to where they're going to eat it so that's perfect and talking of food we have now managed to observe this bush fully and we have here a fruit Bush so that will of course provide us with some fruits so the best idea now is to find the ones closest to your storage area so for us we want it to all go here and just select like a load of these and go ahead and hit Harvest do bear in mind that if you cut the crops you will actually lose the Harvest you want to harvest them just to get the resources not cut them for the other resource that you'll get from them like the sticks and there we go you can see here now that people are sitting down in all the tweets real Quinn and Risa right now sat down here crystals just join them and they're all just sat down easy which will make them happy and we can see here if we click on Quinn that the fact that he ate on a table gives him plus Six Happiness now the next thing I like to make is under production here is a workbench let's go ahead and look to place that and we want to place it down near where all of our rural resources are so that it's more efficient that way so I'm going to put my under the shelter right here and that's perfect he's right next to the resources here and then we can just go and grab all that stuff and do the work there now the next thing I recommend you research very early on is the weaponsmithing right here so let's go ahead and click that one to get that underway weapons are so important early on for hunting and for surviving and dealing with anything that attacks you so it really is an important one to do very early do we now have our workbench already built and there's nothing we particularly want to craft just yet but that's because we're waiting for the weaponsmithing research to happen so we're now nicely prepared when it has been done so as soon as you have researched the weapons like I've just done there we can go to the crafting area here the workbench click craft weapons and let's start getting some Spears made now for now what I like to do is hit until and put that up to four there we go for the uh Spears right there the reason being we only have four survivors here so each of them will have a spear under this but chances are you only actually have about two people who are using them at any one time anyway you want to bear in mind that under the activities thing right here where it says research over here this doesn't just include researching new technologies but also plants so you want to have at least two people that you've got a tickness to the research for otherwise if it's just one of them whilst they're researching plants no research is being done towards the technology you're researching at that time now by researching other plants you can find yourself some new materials and particularly new food can be very useful so we click on this right here we see that we can get butter melon from this and the good thing about this is it means that when we Harvest this there's now another food source if you just keep telling your people to eat the same things over and over again they will get very bored of it and this will affect their happiness now I managed to use scavenge some laser pistols so the first thing I want to do as soon as I've done that is go to cam over here click on this inventory button here and then equip these laser pistols here there we go just press play now and it takes a little bit of time to go and get that but he's gonna go and get his laser pistol so with that equipped this is a very power powerful early game weapon and it's going to give us the opportunity to go and Hunt some animals now you'll see a variety of different animals you can hunt but the ones I like to hunt are these ones right here the reason being we don't just get red meat from them we also get hides as well if you compare that to some of the other animals like insects for example you just get the insect meat so it's a food source but doesn't give you the hides and hives are actually used for quite a lot so I'm going to take Rita off of hunting for now so only Ken is on hunting and that way when I click on this animal here and hit hunt I know it'll be Ken that does it now in the meantime while he's doing that we want to go here and build a production unit and build ourselves a drying rack you can build a small one but honestly I don't see the point you're going to need a large one at some point so I like to build it kind of early on into the game so I was about to speed things up but we now have some aggressive animals coming at us and they're all over here so what I'm gonna do is get it to Rita and give her a pistol as well because we have a second one of those so we'll speed some up until she has her pistol the animals are far enough away at the moment that we don't have to uh there's no like immediate concern is what I'm saying so now she has a pistol we've got her selected I'm going to shift and click here and then I've got Ken and her selected and I'm going to click draft then we can click on the aggressive animals to Center on them and tell them to come over here and shoot them now with these pistols they should be able to fight them from range reasonably easily so hopefully we don't have anything like no big casualties or no major damage done now we did get a couple of injuries from the fighting there and basically if you that happens to you what you need to do is go to your workbench hit craft and craft up some bandages so I'm gonna craft about 10 of those for now and if I go back here see the bandages let's click that Arrow there and make those the priority now I have three people awaiting treatment Quinn is the one who isn't so at this point I need to go to manage and activities and for Quinn I'm gonna have just crafting selected because we don't want to lose anybody early on into the game so he knows how he's just gonna go and craft those bandages also make sure I leave deliver on because I know that over here if I go to the workbench it does say it's waiting for the ingredients to craft these bandages so if I don't have deliver on perhaps those materials won't get there the only thing I'm going to do under schedule is right now for queen I'm just going to put it all to work right there so that he's going to start working right away the reason being this is obviously a priority that we do not lose anybody so let's get him to make up those bandages and then we can start to heal people and they'll get better once you started to make a few we're going to go back to Quinn over here I'm going to have him on heel as well so that he can then go and heal everybody up obviously they're awaiting treatment so wouldn't be able to do it himself so by doing this he can now go and take care of them and you see here he's about to heal the first one up maybe just needs a few more bandages but he's got everything selected he needs so he'll know now to either deliver the materials or make the bandages or heal people depending on what's appropriate at that time so in the meantime has been off Hunting and if we go over here we can see that he's managed to get himself some raw red meat and he's put it into the drying wrap so this will dry the meat out which will preserve it for longer and we have now an extra food source which will make everybody even happier now that everybody's been healed and they're just recovering I'm going to go ahead and put Quinn's schedule back to normal so he's the same as everybody else and also under activities I'm going to get him doing more than just uh crafting and healing and stuff because he was pretty good at some other things as well so we want him to do that as well so this is something that you'll keep coming back to time and time again sort of the micro management stuff whether it's the schedule or the activities and it's important that you do that in order to be as efficient as possible and get the most out of the game over time as more materials become available to you do keep an eye on the furniture section and build things like the shooting target punching pole and dartboard as soon as they become available to you it's definitely good to build them as they will be something that'll keep the people's happiness up and again happiness is very important now this next tip is actually really really important if you're new to the game it's not something you'd know to do and it could cost you your survival and that is this plant right here so if I click on this plant right here you'll see that it just says tall leafy plant but this is what it looks like so this is actually called a grain cob and once we've observed it we will see that for ourselves and as you might have guessed it does in fact drop green the reason this is so important is if we go to manage and then to research you'll see that down here there's antibiotics production and in order to unlock the ability to do this research you have to find or produce grain and we're going to get that from these guys right here now this is so important because if you don't have the antibiotics when it comes to Winter pneumonia will spread through your villagers and kill them all off so immediately once I found these I'm going to go ahead select them and select observe and we're on about day one of Summer right now so summer is when these plants start to Bear their fruits so you want to either observe them just before summer or as soon as it gets to Summer and that way you'll be able to harvest them get all the stuff you need from them in time for the winter so speed through this and we'll do that and then I'll show you how to make farm so I'm going to speed through this process of observing them and then we'll Harvest them and make some Farmers out of them and all that good stuff but yeah very important that you find these guys so when your workers are busy doing things if you're looking for something to do make sure you come and observe these and then eventually Harvest them so with this plant now observed if we go ahead and click on it you'll see there is the grain cob indeed and says there that it will yield grain when we Harvest it so the next thing you want to do is make sure I select all of these and harvest all of those and also all of these over here there we go so any that I can find in the vicinity I definitely want to harvest all of that so get as much grain as I can so Rita has been harvesting the grain you can see there she's transporting 20 right now but if I go into my research you'll see that the antibiotics haven't out a lot so here we go we can go and get those started so you don't have to wait for them to arrive in your storage unit you can basically start their research as soon as they have been picked up now the other thing we'll be able to do now is to make green card Farms now that we started to harvest this stuff so we're gonna go ahead and do that and just find a nice little area here somewhere where we can make one of these Farms so for the second tutorial I'm not gonna worry too much about where I put it I'm just going to show you guys the process of doing it now I didn't find a lot of this stuff so I'm just going to make a small farm and we can see here uh the different like this right here is 100 growth right so that's really good if we come down here there's a few 80 around and then some are just not very good at all so for now I'm just gonna build a small one as I haven't found much of it so we're still a little five by five in here and uh that will be a nice place for that to grow the next thing to do when you build a farm is go ahead make some fence up just some wooden fence here and build the fence around your farm the reason we're doing this is the farm will attract animals and if you don't fence it off they will come and assure your crops so the farm would then be pointless and completely wasted make sure to also select a fence door and place that in as well so let's just put that one in uh there we go just like that that will allow people to get in and out and obviously that's needed for the farm to actually work so to continue the process of making the antibiotics once you've done the research you have to build one of these things right here which is a fermentation Barrel so I'm going to go ahead and just the wooden one there and build it just over here near the storage as that'll be more efficient now once the barrel is built you can go ahead and select it and click ferment up here and then choose to ferment some antibiotics so I'm going to go ahead and put that on 100 because antibiotics really is something that you can never really have too much of so that will now slowly ferment over time and we've also got our grain Farm planted over here as well as some more that I've told people to harvest that's a bit further away but we're doing all this in the summer so it's giving us plenty of time to get this preparation work done so that when it does come to the winter we will be ready for it.

stranded alien dawn mods
Stranded Alien Dawn Research Tips and Tricks Survival in the First Season
Stranded: Alien Dawn Guides
