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 beefberries stranded alien dawn

we're back in stranded alien Dawn all day seven early in the morning our people are getting up but it's where we left off uh on the last episode looks like we have the trees that need to be cut down what else are we uh did we finish this no somebody needs to still finish this plant here let's speed up the time a bit hopefully we get that done today and what research are we doing I could look in here right we're at 88 for that okay we don't need this yet so let's do that first and then we'll do this in this three hours I mean that that'll be done really fast so we'll do those uh we needed the the housing thing you know to actually get a house to start it up so yeah would love to be able to do that we're gonna have to also uh make lots lots of sticks when we have a house um get lots of sticks because you know you have the fireplace and such is this doesn't that look like a different nothing so that was more of these over there okay cool I mean I'm really glad that we found those uh those berries bushes just wondering what else I can what the was that I don't know what else we could find around here might be something else hit around the trees on the side of the hill and such what is he doing what is this everybody's doing he's researching oh he he did it he finished this right awesome so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit orders Harvest two like that push out and that will get us those claws yeah cloth blossom awesome on every other area known as cotton but hey Gabe you want to do you you want to make it as alien as possible by naming it something else and making it look exactly the same as possible go ahead do that wow there's all these you know down ships in here it would be it would be unreasonable that some of these ships have seeds on them and those those old native seeds have spread to uh this planet via that I mean it seems to be very Earth-like oxygen trees everything you know water but we're gonna need cotton we're going we're gonna need cotton so oh we got tailoring done now this we need skin Mark we're gonna need cotton put the cotton there we're gonna need what is it like select skin bark it's not going to grow very well there looks like it could grow very well over here and I don't think that's uh something the the animals are going to be interested in so let's put that there okay production all right we have a we have a tailoring bit now so let's let's see if we can do what I was thinking before camp shelters we still can't do this we don't have hay yet we have yeah that does work that does work so we could do another one yeah that just makes it uh one big area and then we could do production here in a Taylor's bench on this side foreign tell someone to check out these very Plastics observed hopefully that that's a lot shorter time spent to do that you know I would hope so and we're gonna have to sew jackets for the winner like I know we're just getting into summer and such but these jackets take forever just so these coats I mean these coats and jackets so we're gonna do four of those okay and that does really do they really really do help all right and then we're gonna do weapons we could finally do the bows if we do three bows all right and they're going to sleep so this this does work out really well like 50 bills you know build it like that and it opens it all up and such foreign she's transporting something over here get in bed in line so we could fix it tomorrow already here okay you know what she was transferring I think Stone and now she's hungry okay well you went to sleep hunger man what are you thinking so we're already at 27 of the uh Base building I can't wait to get that done really and uh yeah and we're gonna clear this off hopefully very soon hopefully very very soon I mean if you want that done relatively early uh oh let's go ahead and plot out a fence over here thank you yeah perfect we're the door so maybe not perfect because there's a plenty of good land on that side there that we could use for for crops and such but I think what I have in mind is going to work out really well we have we have okay we have all these explain I think we're gonna have to need more cotton more cotton planted out foreign Okay so so yeah let's do it like that foreign we also have to research this corn and this and these rocks dude there's so much crap we have to research Grayson you get it done buddy get it done did I did I butt it up against the thing properly I did not okay I'm glad I I looked at it would have just walk around it right about that this is this is fine he's observing the berry bushes so if we can cut I'm curious defense Advanced wood yeah we can cut straight let's try again sometimes it's really unpredictable where it's gonna go you can cut straight across here and then over here right like that that looks good man that that's gonna I don't know why we're putting that in there but it'll work out it'll work out it's a lot of wood I know but we're going to we're going to need it let's put another door over here or if they go out this way can't put it up okay don't put it there I don't really know what the gates are for maybe that's for hurting animals and such uh but yeah I think this will work out from then later we can like a reinforce like maybe another way but this keeps the animals from maybe spawning inside of here maybe oh no hope to see cut those damn trees down girls doing great we need all that wood man we need all that wood you're doing great great also Grayson could build this fence up look how fast he builds the fence man one reason I think this is a good a good uh area is because of this there's some several like natural defensive uh structures around here you know so after a while I'll probably build here like build a fence here here here and here as well and get rid of all the animals inside and that will create yet another uh blockage what is this we need yeah we need to do this hey I didn't even know hey was over here it just I didn't notice it there might be uh we didn't go to that side earlier oh man everything this thing is going swimmingly though uh we do come on can finish that so we can we're not going to tell them to observe anything else after this he's building the hell out of this he that's my fault of slowing down production because he's he's building which I mean we need it we honestly uh uh we need the defensive structures and everything up I know it might be Overkill this big long wall there but I'm kind of getting uh into a position where we can build the Big South and everything we just need to get to the research done for that so once Ken is done with this is that 87 he'll get on the research then and then should be yeah this is almost done all right it'll be done soon get that damn house part to finish and we'll be good we will be good let's go ahead and fast forward it through tonight um all right good morning everybody hurry up and finish that damn fence Grayson so we can get things rocking and rolling man we got this berry bush going hopefully uh it won't give us too much problems we have this also do we have so many things we need to research we can also just grab these plants over here Harvest that Harvest this we have to research these still Harvest all of that you're almost there King you're almost there man you're almost there so once you get there we're gonna [Applause] just Harvest these up real fast come on hopefully that gives us like a blueberry latte or something beef berries beef berries what the okay the berries himself don't look a lot very appetizing when they're small but seem to become nice and juicy when ripe I'll name them beef berries because they are somewhat similar to that vegetable that goes well on beef sandwiches why okay what is wrong with abrasive insufficient food Brides just served in the Sleep 3x yeah but we'll we'll get your sleep fixed soon okay we're gonna fix soon man we're we're really sorry about that Ken is researching once once he's done with this he'll start crafting some stuff hopefully the weapons first it's almost summertime I think our little area is is coming together the only thing I worry about right this moment is these guys over here wanting to come eat our and you know and and maybe take a oh there's some corn over here too I didn't notice that coin maybe it just grows randomly in different various places there's some kind of ore or something here interesting Rock there's a bunch of dead animals over here butcher these that would give us a variety of uh what dots there's some interesting work here there's also a cluster of ore over here Shiny Rock interesting a bunch of right we don't have sadly we don't have enough time tall grass what is tall grass is that the we have to research that later I have no idea what that's for oh we can't go any further that way okay is this the tall grass is that what it is yeah maybe the hay Tallgrass says hey Sawgrass is all over the place I guess if that's what it is man man enjoying this game a lot um there is what is this what's this is that that's a Shiny Rock so that's the I'm guessing that's the same kind of shiny rock as the other one there's a lot of cotton over here how far is that from her kind of it's really far there's actually a lot caught in there too we have 600 cloth though so Kai oh man god wow a bunch of Cottons and such over here I'm probably gonna hit an invisible wall soon nope it's letting me go walk over there okay man it is I liked this game I like the map and everything wow these trees are all just dead by this Nest this like sucked the life out of everything over here but at least they're far far away from us um I don't I don't know if they they migrate and such if they they come looking for your base later on or if it's just something that you have to like deal with like going maybe they have some other resources on them that you need this water looks gnarly all right Ken reaching intellect three was this interesting Rock okay so I don't think that's anything different um we have to figure out maybe there's there's other ways to get resources later risk oh it's dark that's her issue man there's no fun things to do dude you gotta wait man you gotta wait we'll we'll get that done soon how's the research going 67 not bad what about this did we get any weapons done let's cancel the healing bomb then to do short but what about it like okay let's try to do the short bow first we canceled the jackets for now let's just make sure that they focus on the short bows we need those we need those very badly all right if we have those our team is all armed there will be will be golden hey what's we're gonna chop down all this damn wood we're gonna prepare cut all down okay I know we have tons and tons of wood see one thing I would like to do is build storage or stockpile like in an area like this where there's not going to be any plants growing you know what I'm saying that just kind of the idea for that a level ground okay and then we just construction no no none of this stuff here just completely construction materials so they put the stones and everything there and later because it looks how full this is this isn't full yet but don't put all the trees and crap there um oh there's a thunderstorm probably not our gets struck by lightning our this is made of metal so that might be a risk what is that Odessa feels like a like a lightning streak that's just like oh there's some lightning okay hopefully no lightning hits us where's our peeps foreign we're going to be done soon okay I mean we're we're gonna start building the house soon so you got stuff whining so damn much oh he's he is nearly completed this over here there's some there's some stuff that has to be mined everybody can do that they do the fence the out the actual fence itself before they finish the the gates which is interesting I don't even know if you can do the gate here yet yeah there's a crappy ass of mine here to mine there Grayson will you stop whining foreign why are you such a little whiny ass looks like he's tired dude I'm just gonna speed it up so we can uh see if Canon finishes resources 88 man come on let's get it done Ken oh damn it damn it damn it damn it let's slow it back down where's the bugs at where's the bugs at okay they're over here where are we at okay there okay they're they're they're kind of far off so which way are they gonna come you gotta keep an eye on these bugs they might come through those rocks there so they might not be able to walk there if they start moving out I'll get kin to a little Cuba eye on them but I get kin to uh take care of them hopefully uh they'll just be fine man they won't really attack by the way yes make the bows go boom man uh do we have enough time in the day make the damn bows that's right come on Grayson you are the man the one we're waiting for no I slowed us down by telling you to build a big ass fence but these guys aren't moving yet hopefully they've fight like that man these are so these are wooden bows so he should make them four times as fast right we'll wait for him to finish the bows before we start uh planning out the construction of the house these guys haven't moved yet okay all right we can get that we're gonna do this one it would be fortification so we can actually be like in a Towers I think that's how somebody can get up in the tower when the kind of things are coming then are they moving towards us they're still kind of just sticking out over here damn it started moving towards our base yet see I think because of the the fences and everything that they have to spawn so far away from that which pushes them far away from our actual Main area so I think that works out you know they would have to go all from all the way over there we get a big notification we would get a big uh heads up basically oh so he made one bow already right it seems like he's made at least one oh no he's still working on the first one dude your foot here they come see like they're gonna be coming over here yeah I I wonder if we can we can shoot over this mess oh this might have been oh dude kid Zack back we're gonna need help man we're gonna need help we're gonna need help oh um Laura come help man come help fight dude this is going to be nasty Bryson uh can you come help Bud oh God you guys are gonna be in some pain get some scars and stuff but I think you'll survived right you guys will do it thank you okay good good go go get some treatment from Himalayan yeah I know you're probably really injured uh I don't even want to look finno flesh okay at least you're it's it's not too bad I mean oh let's butcher these up in the morning looks like we can plant beef berries now okay plant to be Bears there yeah that hole there that that needs to be fixed man they need to do some mining tomorrow get rid of that these rocks all right our star healer I believe that right she does there's really high skills and healing right no well she did I thought she had happy skills in here who is he did we not pick a Healer we didn't pick a Healer oh good good great that's awesome nobody really is ah he's more proficient in healing than anybody else whatever Eminem will get her healing up oh glad she's actually treating the one that's more sick first come on crushing and crushing unhappy could develop beldana in a moment ah she is mild pain okay not not too terrible I would say not not a like amazingly awful we did survive it though we survived to attack we just had to fight with their hands man.

 uh the the first boson was done once the first bow is done uh once these bows are done we'll go to start making jackets definitely craft up those jackets and then uh we also need to start building the the house here basically it's going to be it's going to be pretty big uh area we have almost 2 000 wood you know so we have plenty of wood to work with um we need a bigger area we need we need the area like this a decent size so we can have like a size bedrooms for the for them I think that'll make them happier I believe I know that you get like plus three happiness for a small bedroom it says specifically small bedroom and plus through happiness that would make me think that they're going to give more points for a bigger bedroom right that's what that's what it it puts it in my head anyways that they're gonna get you know more points right she's still feeling lore huh how's it going she got almost everything done will you not whine so much Frozen trying to get these uh these bikes treated okay so her bites her wounds are covered so hopefully she doesn't scarves scarring will leave him in pain for like forever I think I don't know um so it wouldn't be good if they have to do this scarring up and crap we have two at the risk of the night though her happiness is All Time Low probably because she couldn't sleep last night oh dude yeah we got attacked by giant bugs all right Beetle scare Beetle like thing all right what do you expect what sometimes these whiny ass guys that just you know want to just take off and leave them to take care of themselves no answer that like like because you you're like an uh uh all observing God deity on here like that's what what it's like you know when you're playing a game like this this is like it's your characters is like okay because you're playing the character that's unseen okay guys you whine too much off bye leaving you to die now all right these these plants are just disgusting looking thank goodness Grayson back on the crafting the bow man you're supposed to be able to do this fast that's why I chose you to make bows fast well you're going slow as balls dude some of these things go way too small Emily is healing level four already that's pretty good you should be happy in line your healing is going up fast so those who are recovering nice short bow so racing you're gonna get the first boat brother at least two of uh the people unarmed so we'll we'll get uh two more bows ready and then man they'll be they'll be all good next time attacks will be ready foreign medicine which is not good at all how are you doing on Research okay so he's going to finish this pickling scrap maybe that will open up we need research find and produce bandages we already did that research antibiotic production you need to find grain okay so we needed to find grain all right grain is just right over there let's wait for him to do one more bow and then we'll do the gray all right let's speed it up what is it was her she's on the food bench huh does she eats yourself happy again she's a she has minor pain that's her problem she's in pain okay hopefully hopefully that pain will be over soon can you do a good job researching brother hopefully we uh yeah we need some more different foods I think people are gonna want a different kind of food build up okay she's planting like crazy okay Teresa's Crafters are four Laura I know you're going to bed deer but go ahead and get a bow well I have one one more to craft okay they're gonna go to sleep now we'll be good in the morning everything will be fine and dandy it makes that bow we'll be able to start building our house so I'm gonna go ahead and call it the episode I hope to see you guys back in episode three of this series it's a lot of fun this game is uh it's challenging it's it's a bit of a uh pit of a headache sometimes where the NPC's not wanting to do what you want them to do and the whole whiny melting down oh it is rough but it's a fun.


stranded: alien dawn grain grass

stranded: alien dawn toxic ash

stranded: alien dawn ranching

stranded: alien dawn plants

stranded: alien dawn cotton

stranded: alien dawn ranching

juiceleaf stranded: alien dawn

stranded: alien dawn cheats

stranded: alien dawn hydroponics

stranded: alien dawn plants

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