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thank you so much for joining me this game Edge we're jumping back into stranded alien Dawn with a brand new seed now we've got myself a little bit more knowledge about this game and it's been a lot of fun uh there are some questions been out there of course there is something called the Nuvo I think it's called uh it's supposed to be using this I went to read about it I didn't see any performance hits to the actual game itself uh what that is is actually an anti-theft thing where they actually can't crack it supposedly I have no idea I actually had before previously never heard of it uh but yeah it is what it is but uh yes it is inside a game so if that's something you don't like because it's fine but I didn't see any reasons uh beyond that I didn't get any hits but again as your preference just thought I'd mention it out there because some people thought I did mention it beforehand but you know what the game is freaking solidly fun I had a lot of fun with this one enough to make me want to play it again and the characters by the way people ask me all the time the characters over here do not change they don't have uh like Rim world where they you have different styles that would be nice if we can have some different like randomize characters and stuff but there is you know things written about them so maybe that's where the problem is or maybe add a whole slew of other ones now I spent literally about 30 minutes going through each and every one of these characters trying to read and trying to make the best possible choices is so freaking tough let me tell you there is a selection of different styles of people and they all need these different things that we can use here like this one over here I like Rita for one reason here has a permanent increase in happiness she loves farming I need to get Farming going up really quick super important has a chance to field observe unknown species during Expedition this is great too and over here we actually got uh Rock huh Rucka Chad I'll just call him Chad here and Chad over here has a permanent decreased happiness so it's a little bit off it's hard to kind of deal with but construction structures and devices twice as fast you know what I I do need that I need somebody who can actually do that and get it going so that's pretty cool too Krista is a little bit of a hard one to pick but her intellect is seven so I figured you know what get get her in here and she'll be able to at least learn this stuff a little much faster we'll not do crafting tasks lazy a little bit yes we would speed is increased by 10 has an occasional insights that boosts your current research progress I'm I'm I need to know more I need to know more about her now we also have Connor over here which I didn't read about his intimidation uh well problems he has here occasionally intimidates other people uh and feels unease now there's one thing I want to choose I want to Conor because I liked him live this time but there's there's a guy here named Ken yeah here look at this combat he's interested in it crafting he's interested in it not very good at it but interested but gains happiness when killing or observing death uh uh and he was also uh well dishonorably discharged not mistake yeah so that's um well with discharge it's subordination so that's uh something but he's 20 years old and it could be handy also but you know what I think I'll stick with Connor he is a cyborg a doom cyborg bodyguard this is cyber security analysis City Builder and right over here we have an adventurous botanist which is Rita which is very nice we have a whole group of good people here a good thing about this of course we have farming and over here uh she's in farming too everybody has like an interest of something that seems to be important I tried to be careful what I pick we only have one that seems to really enjoy combat but luckily enough our farmer seems to not mind protecting our crops a little bit doesn't really love it but you know what we have she does love cooking so it's very tough to choose there's a whole bunch of different people you can pick throughout this uh like I said ketta was probably my other choice but he's a little bit of a psychopath so I'm not too sure I'm interested in a guy's been tour after two years uh in Duty he's actually ready to go and he has an interest of watching uh what people are being killed or killing and observing death it scares me a little bit to have them near people anyways we're gonna jump in with this crew here Connor Krista uh Chad and of course Rita so that is good to go okay here we come down oh if we could get towards that water come on left left left no some kind of oh crap where are we going there holy moly all right shit's happening uh what do we have here okay this is not bad we have pushes we do have a water supply I think right next to us oh my God some kind of Glacier stuff but it's not Glacier it just looks very delicious uh that means some animals might be coming by here get some water if needed uh we have a bunch of broadleaf bushes all the way around us which we need sticks right away what that means we're pretty far away from any trees right these any trees here now these are bushes all the way around us so what's gonna have to happen right off the bat you have to observe a tree and start ourselves a farm to start farming up those trees up we have no choice it isn't the most tree friendly area what the hell is this thing by the way it's a part of our ship it's basically okay it's just a debris that fell down beforehand that's good we have a couple of things here we do have some animals over there these are actually new ones I haven't seen these guys what do you guys give raw red meat that hides all right these guys scare the crap out of me I worry about them these little baby ones it's cute these are flightless birds we saw those before these ones if you're looking really closely look like they have a whole bunch of little I don't know areas they can spew out from it kind of scares me we talked about last time and there's some cotton plants nearby too and these weird plants I have no idea I've never checked those once out these though we have checked out and these are actually some things that gives you a nice silicon and definitely look a squash shell like a pumpkin right they look like pumpkins some kind of squash we've got some debris near us well we do have some pretty good land and near water we can start building it's not so bad actually you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna say yes and we're gonna take it anyways when we're done we have no choice uh Connor um I just saw a pistol on the ground here we're gonna ask you to go over here right click and equip laser pistol now from what you guys are mentioning is also somewhere in debris around here we will be able to find a sniper rifle which would be great okay another thing I didn't know about when you guys were mentioning and I finally went out to go and check it out and see there's schedules here we can schedule a little more leisure time if they're getting a little bit you know tired of stuff to relax them uh they can have a little more time in the morning maybe to walk around no sense of work and also here we have activities here we can actually do and we can take off what they should do in healing construction and such on here now this looks like a change isn't that weirdo last time I looked at this it was threes and twos and stuff I don't know why it's a little bit different did I mistaken there's research here and Expedition oh oh hot air balloon see I didn't see that either that's cool so we will do some Expeditions out and about in the area Okay so our Strongest Ones right here if we look at all these people while she's freaking out I think last time we had Windows freaking out too so that is something we want to be careful with and of course you kind of look at their what they do in raw foods and other things and hearing traits there's clothing we can put onto these uh fine people and stuff so that's something we're going to want to go and get done now the other thing we're going to want to do is get ourselves going on grabbing some of these bushes here and we're going to want to cut these up we're not going to observe them just yet we wanted someone to go to observe a tree okay and I know it sounds freaking weird you like it's not the first thing you should do yes really the trees are this far away we're gonna need to start observing them so let's get observing and uh I think I'll be Krista who's probably going to go after her meltdown that's fantastic and we're gonna need to start Scavenging this baby up too so we'll do some Scavenging uh this portion here I think cancel of the Scavenging for this no we want to scavenge this baby up and get going then after we'll start building so let's see what everybody else is doing I think there'll be one person after Krista figures out what she's gonna do observing broadleaf now are you really the best one to be doing this holy [ __ ] okay thank you I mean I I I guess as soon as Krista finishes her meltdown we don't have a choice I guess we can have someone observe some of these other squash and stuff so maybe we can start planting those two and have that going so let's observe this this is definitely quick food we'll need that so we have one that's actually doing this grabbing and observing and of course it's a squash I want him to get sticks and stuff but we with her my God would you stop crying please I mean I can get it it's it's disastrous you need to move on a little bit you don't look at all like your person by the way chrisa it's all good so it looks like Rocco's gonna go into observing which I didn't really want that and looks like of course we have scavenged up a pistol again another one and I think he has one on him I'm not mistaken right he did grab the pistol he did who's my secondary that actually has that ability by the way let's just pause this up here and see our uh our secondary who actually has ability to do this stuff here let's go through this oh they actually the left level goes on the right hand side tells you which one of them has the best one to do this this is really cool so let's go over here and see the cooking crafting healing okay so once the burrito comes back from doing her job we're gonna need to uh have her do this now we have two people observing I didn't really want that to be a thing right now especially that he's a little bit slower at this so let's ask him to stop what he's doing draft come here there you go she's gonna go and do the squash plants I want him to come back and do some construction he's gonna be doing some work over here we're going to find a good layout for a place probably right here it's a little bit on a hillish side uh but I think it'll be okay so let's go back to Camp we're going to want to go over here get ourselves some scrap metal if possible and yeah I want a good camp area I mean you know the water it sounds like a plan for me it's gonna bring some animals and stuff but it's also good for us to build to survive a tide bit so let's just rotate this up a tiny bit here we're gonna put this right there and we can also get ourselves you know let's get ourselves a little more shelter that we can rotate this up like this and have ourselves these things back to back I like this opening like this it really does add quite a bit uh to the actual game I love how they just kind of merge together really nicely all right that's good and we can open up a secondary one there too and I think we can make these things out of sticks too once we start getting that going uh we also need hay so hey hey still think this would be a stronger way for us to deal with stuff all right oh nice little unless you undraft yeah come here and do your work construction shelter thank you uh we're gonna need to uh get ourselves also an area so this is going to be our area for like work and other things if we can and we're gonna have to also get ourselves some uh storage units possibly so maybe we can use this here uh I would love to be the wooden ones so maybe chopping down tree would be very handy so we don't have to make those right now he's just kind of dropping [ __ ] on the ground inside of here and building it all right that's okay that's all good I thought he was actually placing it down there's Fabrics here too we can make bed rolls place to sleep slightly more comfortable than a he mattress I got you on that but the problem is I'd rather just waste it on a bed afterwards so maybe we can just do this right here because we have a guy obviously they're both doing good construction work we're very low on Metals though very very low and hopefully he'll continue Scavenging up some stuff and getting some work looks like Connor for some reason decided he's gonna be the Builder maybe not the nicer for guys I'm not sure we're gonna put this one over here this is gonna be more of a little area there this one over here we're gonna end up placing down all the bed rolls so we'll do them right here and we'll just rotate this yeah we're good I think right is that it's hard to tell one second here that's okay and I think we have to do shift and just keep it going there we go three and maybe a fourth one right there they are going to be Scavenging up more stuff as they go through it not sure what the hell is he just knocking down [ __ ] oh he's building the actual beds gotcha maybe for now we can always take these things apart right so let's start off really uh as this is already quite a bit of an area we need to build so that's okay I would like to get the wood going as fast as possible not using scrap every two seconds you know what I'm saying but that was it's all good we can put up a fire right about here maybe that's pretty good there I think that looks pretty good there's no way of centering this out but that's gonna be okay we'll get a fire down there and yeah okay so there's materials I'm quite aware I just want to make sure she's okay she's been observing this tree for a little bit here and I'm not sure she's going to be doing okay through this here it seems like it's okay She's coughing a little bit scare me type it there but it's all good we'll turn this all back around and get going down here letting him do the work we can always fast forward this crap too and yeah look at her how fast she's learning the intellect on her she's doing an awesome job I'm not sure is Rita doing anything because I'm not seeing any kind of progress bar on her what is Rita doing curly what are you doing activity idle why are you idle did you already observed this we did okay we'll cut this [ __ ] down dude girl go for it can you not do that or you want to go plant up a whole bunch of stuff maybe she can go and plant this stuff up somewhere have a nice little forest in there that's all right we'll probably have to do that oh crap right nanobot boosters this time okay last time I took this this end up making very well in a lot of pain at the end which made him very unhappy the good thing is the movement manipulation and health ain't they handy yes they're nice share with everyone effective for five days gets rid get rid of that not needed here you know I'm gonna I'm gonna put on the cyborg let him do it so his movement's gonna be increased I don't want I mean I would like to everybody else to have that same thing but unfortunately it just can't be done all the time so it's all good we need to get ourselves a forest thing or Farm going so let's start with our first trees we could probably put them right here right oh no no I need to actually farm this does it have enough to do us Yes trees thank you now of course you look over here there's different styles there's some I think a little more arid area too so be careful we actually plant these things I think I'm gonna ask Rita to do this right here and start making ourselves a nice little growth if we can of trees is that the best we could do I think that's the best we can do so if we could get kind of bit more trees here this will make our life a bit a little better so let's see if Rita can go do that he's gonna cut down some trees which we are desperately needing for us to finish up our stuff by the way the roof pieces and stuff people ask me what time you go ahead and put them on check it out how it looks here a little base you can see it's open on each side the other thing we can start doing is once we get some trees and that make ourselves some shelving right down here now story shelving wouldn't so I'm thinking off the ground last time I had everything on the ground right and somebody was mentioning the common fields should take it off the ground which makes sense to me I'm gonna put this up here and people can access it there I think it's a pretty good amount of shelving across the back then we can start building ourselves another one of these on the side here if we need to be okay and also we can also cover up this area here too if you want them to cross over it's all good enough room to build ourselves a research bench which is something we're going to need very shortly did Krista finish her stuff she did so you should just plant one tree we had one nut one tree right so every tree knocks down that's we're gonna end up planting it sounds like a plan to me uh cut that down too and cut this one down as long as you get those little seeds dude I really don't care uh growth is 69 these are 79 and this is a fully grown one I guess 98 pretty darn close to it so we want to keep around that area too I want the best I can of these trees I think we're gonna end up getting the most we can out of them I believe so that's how it works so it'll be all good so we can actually get ourselves maybe some of these Fine Things cut down here too let's pause this up orders and cut now people ask me the difference between harvesting cutting after you've researched this stuff you can do different things so 360 barriers and stuff then you can start doing that you can kind of like grab all the stuff from here if there's berries on top but for now we don't have to worry about that Rita is a good with uh said weapons so we're actually going to ask her to equip the laser pistol for her too and right over here we're going to cut these things down we'll observe let's observe this one tree here someone observed that and then we're going to cut all of this down here just to yourself some some little sticks of stuff we're gonna need for the fire so super important so Rita's gonna go pick up that gun first that is Rick and cool uh looks like uh left at Rita for being scared in the dark that's not nice Chad jeez well if you guys would come over here you wouldn't uh make this you'd be uh good to go okay so the fire is up and running which is fantastic I'm loving that and here you go Rita's already starting to plant another broadleaf tree another one there too so maybe we don't actually need the seeds for this she seems to be on the ball she's working hard that's wicked uh what is this over here he says squash now right we could we don't need to she was still observing it she's almost done she just just go finish it she's gone for a walk that's wonderful other thing you guys were mentioning too is get some furniture going as soon as we can afford it we're gonna get ourselves a table and stuff we can also observe maybe rocks and stuff to make our life look easier there's large tables small tables uh made out of wood or not wood I think the durability changes in each one of these right oh actually a stone doesn't change that much yeah we can make ourselves a nice little table here it's only five and we need some chairs around that so let's put that can we put it close to the fire I mean that'd be nice everybody can keep kind of warm ish and uh okay so we got ourselves a table oh my God automatic chairs what the frick it goes to the right side is there other is that the chairs we need to use okay let's go check this out here furniture chairs wood chairs all right well I should have shifted that one I could completely forgot chairs we also get buried chairs afterwards so we'll shift that boom it all make turns around for you that's really nice okay so if you have all this people could eat off the ground which seems like people here did not enjoy that last time so it is what it is right this is scavenged up completely not yet not completely scavenged not sure why they're all hanging out over there with all stuff here they seem to be grabbing some Loot and by the way once they place this on a wall where does it get on our base they'll start placing it here in the storage area which will be a lot better than on the ground I think this is gonna be really nice maybe we could do another storage across here we have a 28 wood left you want to apply hold off time but the Rita's construction of chairs she went to get the wood Rita is the Hardcore I'm gonna give her that she's definitely working her butt off all right let's fast forward this and see what we can get out of this they're starting to bring some resources to here like that they're stalking it properly love that better than on the ground what are they doing were they making out it sounds like they're making up there Rita made her own chair and sat down I should screw you guys and they're all off to bed all right looks like uh Chad mister I made fun of Rita is uh now well saying there should be a party around the campfire we mentioned that for surviving I guess staying alive I agree to it of course because I'll help out to bring up the happiness each one of these five people they're not doing horrible Krista I think is always gonna be happy she meditation whatever she's doing works great everybody seems to be pretty happy except for Mr uh not nice guy so yeah it's all good we do have of course These Fine Things all planted up here average growth yeah you're two percent right here so that's good this is done now we can do this we can Harvest all this up right and this fully grown yeah we have to be careful what we're gonna pick I guess we're going to harvest these up we can make our own two this is 95 that's pretty good to me let's make sure we're not taking any two you know what let's just Harvest up the ones we know are fully grown for now and we'll keep the other ones just going until we get 100 of these suckers I think it'll be well worthwhile okay so since we have the intellectual uh person standard we probably should build ourselves if possible and Science and production there's other storage areas too I should probably look at um I don't do the butter lemon right here and by the way you can look at everything they've learned about these things harvesting butter lemon planting butter lemon because we found out this unlocks this and what it does not if you can eat these things like pumpkins so it's really really cool and Broad Leaf uh planting broad leaf trees for wood there you go so we can plant some of those broadleaf trees like we did and the celebration come here if it's sufficient space for storage I think we have some storage right there dude but is that too big maybe that's too big they want to put outside or something I don't know we'll have to see how it goes okay actually I found a uh dead insects near the water I'm not sure if we should eat that or not I'm just placing it there for now and they can't observe them when they're dead there's definitely some kind of like flightless birds on this side not sure if they're aggressive or not we'll have to find out as we go through it uh but we'll need to know a little more as we go and of course it should do all the uh stuff here I don't think she observed what I wanted to observed here right I need her to observe this yeah it's still needs observing so you need to continue doing that we also have the other one we could chop up in the other pieces we have Connor who's doing a little bit of Scavenging on that side and it adds really good at least we have the main stuff important stuff going uh next we're going to need is a workbench on here it's going to help us out quite a bit so I'm thinking the workbench can go let's rotate this like that and maybe because we're probably going to do some storage units right here all the way across we can utilize this full wall here I think we can make ourselves a science research desk too which we'll do out of wood too I want to try and use as much wood as possible if we don't have to use but at least we can do back and forth here I think we can utilize it like this I'm not sure if they'll interfere with each other because I'm looking at this looks like they can both interact with each one of them but they're both in that same space so I'll probably put this one here all right I just want any kind of problems insufficient materials I know I am asking somebody to cut down some trees and stuff we do have a couple of them there is some bigger ones the only thing I'm scared about is these things being so nearby and what the hell is that okay let's just say downed fallen tree okay they don't seem to be vicious I think Connor walked right past them all by the way so this is good these are all older trees we can cut these all down yeah these are all good trees to go nail out that's perfect we're gonna get some people going out there and grabbing some of that stuff it is much further the way it should be these ones are in closer to where they need to be uh for us to chop them down so well let's not be patient raqqa is gonna uh yeah construction the Shelf he's probably gonna chop and get obviously a lot better wood intake last time but still it's good at least you bring the stuff doing transport getting this stuff completed now I can ask her to do research once she's done if Krista can ever finish observing some stuff like the broadleaf here would be fantastic thanks for doing your job you're supposed to be the smartest one in here anybody going to harvest up this thing here no someone did right she's observing it looks like we did get some Meats meat eight meats can we figure out what the hell we can do that raw insect meat oh veggie soup meat soup raw insect me are we gonna get sick off this I don't know I hope not need 10 of them anyways to make it we have veggie soup like we need mushrooms right vegetables group includes veggie soup does it make a difference which one maybe we can do these and get ourselves a quick bit we have a couple of those hang around here don't we yeah we have like 200 butter melons so that we can make ourselves let's do 10 for an hour eleven there we go all right so someone could start that up I'm not sure if that's enough if they need all those mushrooms and stuff we're just going to try and see if that's something all right we're going to harvest up we're gonna learn whatever we can out of this and it looks like they're doing their job in construction everything here Discovery broadleaf she's done it let's just pause her up here because we need her to do some more work here uh big bush it sticks planting a big bush and stick so now we can actually plant our own if we need it if we run out of these big suckers here we can do that so for now we're gonna do is we're gonna put orders here to cut down all of this here I can see the bushes the gun there we go is that it got this all ready to go make the old plants you want to trees and stuff I like this we can actually Harvest stuff we want to a car is going to go and chop those down I need these out of the way because they're really hiding us from any kind of enemies that may come in here it might be a good idea for us to get all of this gun it looks like there's some possible tree trunks we can grab too from here I didn't realize that until we start kind of hitting up with the other one which turns out pretty good looks like a craft but I smack for it into it all right let them work on that that is good we probably should get ourselves a storage area for that maybe on the side here as much crap we have quite a bit make itself another one of these over here maybe just for that on this side let's just rotate this maybe a little bit further I would give you some space if we want to build a little bit something else on the other side I think that works out good for here and we're going to do is get up ourselves maybe another one of those on the side perfect and over here we can put down maybe some storage here [Music] just for uh raw materials and stuff I don't want to leave them outside I don't know if they go bad or not and um that's actually something I've never really tested out so we'll see if we can make that work here okay that's good and once these are built I'll just tell them what they need to keep inside of that and I'll be perfect looks like it's about to rain too isn't it it sure does okay uh we do have a research table here it's probably a good idea to go into science and uh actually over here's our badge and do some research and I think weaponsmithing is going to take 12 hours to do super important uh then refined Metals you can actually do these in space I did by mistake looking I said oh maybe that one and you can actually do a couple of these and Sleep Train what the hell breakthroughs there are a number of well-known practices as short into one sleep cycle they must be adapted to alien environment though okay space deconstruction okay this as well as actually reading about the ship itself doesn't look like it's been deconstructed but once you get this it can actually deconstruct the entire ship and get rid of it oh pickling interesting you know we'll start with those two and maybe this one's the next one or three so we're now someone's gonna do some research we know who it is to be Crystal hopefully who's gonna go around and do the work we have all squashes stuff there I found some more squash up top I don't think we really need that we have a good amount of squash 8880 there it's gone bad what is that oh that's the alien they put it away from everything that's awesome I love it she's actually cooking up the squash stuff Krista look at this is cooking up before she goes does the important work you know what it's all good it's sufficient storage space well that's why I'm building that here if you guys can build this up then we would have the problem will we okay it's supposed to be the campfire is sitting at seven it doesn't look like everybody's coming for the big party here uh I think they're doing it Chris has actually been putting the food that she's cooked right up here look at that and pots yeah you guys should be celebrating right now but uh Chris has been working her butt off I'll give you that [Applause] look at this Matt this is so freaking cool I love this game this is definitely real world 3D uh which you know what real world's a fantastic game absolutely Splendid amazing but Connor the cyborg is a uh partier that's good to know celebrating had a heated uh argument with Conor okay so that's where Connor is a little bit of a problem he does rub off on people all right we're back to early morning looks like Chris said Connor had a massive fight about the crashes today and I pissed them both off so I'm kind of speaking through here Ty bit let's hold off and see we can place in this row I want construction materials only so probably going to select all these electron components could go in there too if they want to you know what though is it well maybe uh maybe electronic components can go on one side all right let's we'll just remove these here medicines and other items so we always have those two it's good I could keep those that's fine same thing on this side of the queue I'm not going to want to keep I believe this is being selected yes so we're going to stay with that other items on fish items now I'm just gonna place them all there so let's go where all the raw material is going to end up going and if you look over here you have the selected ones are all here if this is all good I don't think we're putting any raw stuff in here it's only shelving which is much smaller from a smaller food wise we're doing pretty good ladies and gents we have a couple meals left here and they are cooked meals on top which they've made there's only four left obviously Chris has a good raw food food variety plus nine she's done good now I need her to start doing some of her work over here Allison cooking every two seconds as much I appreciate her I do believe it's gonna be important for us to start getting some research done and I yeah she really needs to get her button gear for that so let's go into here and uh activities and Krista I'm gonna want her to stay off of well healing's not bad Harvest cooking I just want to research right now just for now all right and of course they'll tell you which ones these are good for you can see which they can do I just wanted to start doing some research that's all she should be doing right now all right that's the only thing she should be doing Rita I have no idea what the hell she's doing I think she's still looking at a damn plant take your freaking sweet ass time looking pretty good though the base I mean we're starting to get together and move it I'm thinking you know building up maybe another one of these structures here but again we can once we get some work done it would be fantastic now Rita is supposedly also able to cook right so I'm hoping she'll be able to do that now do we have any more of these bugs coming in sooner or later probably not but we can probably go and shoot one or two and test it out I am curious about the big arse bugs and so hopefully we can find something about that afterwards and we also should start Scavenging up the other wrecks that fell down here I believe there's a portion right here it just fell down uh right after we dropped so we'll see whether or not we can do that there's no one on top of the hill okay so Rita has finally finished this look at these now we can actually cut them down or harvest I thought uh but yeah this right over here is sweet syrup and uh planting of gonia I think it is there you go and it looks like uh you can actually go for syrup and stuff I'm not sure how come we cannot Harvest there we go that one a can this one I can't it's a different kind or it's a certain yeah it might be a certain size we can actually do so we'll need to harvest those up not all these are ready I think it has to be 100 yeah 100 to actually Harvest these up so that'll make it a little bit difficult for us to do but we'll see I guess we can just do orders here Harvest and anything that's here available just Harvest those right there you go it highlights the ones it can be yeah I started harvesting and maybe I will exaggerate that tiny a bit there but it's also cancel order let's get a small portion of it and she's harvesting it up that's pretty cool and maybe do a little more I thought it was gonna take longer than that I'll be honest you so she could Harvest up all the good stuff from there that'd be great and we also have our Farms going on there we probably make ourselves our own squash Farm I will need someone to go and observe these I remember we saw them last time they're pretty darn helpful so we'll see what now we do it right now we have uh 10 medical kits that's all we have and we have no ways defending ourselves so hopefully she'll finish up the research she needs to finish up over there we could make ourselves a butter lemon squash Farm which seems to be really a hit with the locals here which is great or we can get ourselves some more trees maybe might be a good idea to get ourselves a tiny bit more trees going here kind of fold these in a bit check this out from the top here yes so let's see if we can do that here another little Plantation there and the stuff for food and stuff I would like to keep that a little bit closer now if you guys are playing this game you're wondering how to do not just hold down the middle Mouse button you can kind of move around any angle you want it works out really good butternut squash maybe you can put a little farm of butternut squash right here scare us off on top so you can see a tech we're doing okay I like that everything's together there but it's not exact you see so maybe we can just do a nice little row like this maybe we'll do another half or something else I'm not sure maybe it's the only way for us to do two of these wonderful Farms not sure how much it's going to give us let's see what she does with this all right maybe it'll be just be too much uh Connor by the way is been cooking and he's been fighting with Krista still yeah can you believe this [ __ ] exactly quick recipes here and again we'll get some more veggie soups get yourself to do it one like that maybe Connor could make some useful for that too all the wonderful stuff here has been kind of placed in to the storage there and we still need to go and observe these rocks afterwards we can also mine some I think these ones we would serve these ones to know what the hell to do with and combine those two this will come in handy afterwards for a building okay she's been working her butt off let me finish this weaponsmithing we have been finished and that's good so we can craft ourselves some weapons down maybe some Spears or bows 20 sticks some fabric I think that one is wet scrap metal let's see if we can get ourselves we have four people let's get uh we only need really three maybe for now and maybe some advantages crab cloth make from okay let's get a couple of those just in case and see if we can get that done okay so now she should be working on the smithing rights I think is that correct we chose and right over here research the next one here is the metal requirement that's what I want so we can have that completely then we have Taylor ring two which will be increasing a little bit I think we need to get yourselves a little more debris if possible but wouldn't uh fortification would be nice too so let's add that to that that's gonna take some time to do okay so we're really boring I actually found a flightless bird dead on this side I'm not sure what the hell killed at all and okay harvesting the large bird does I don't think I want a horse so maybe they'll come back or I'm not positive how that bird just died oh that's how they had a fight with these suckers up top like this there's another one over here uh let's see we can butcher that up and then butcher that up is he eating a freaking now he's eating grasses [ __ ] I'm not sure why they're so vicious maybe we should take out Connor and do a little bit of a fight Rita has the ability to shoot too I could butcher this up too at the same time I mean I do want to fight one of these and see what they do they do seem to kill off those birds really fast Rita is a freaking monster of work just really good okay so melts raw resources over time transformed scrap into ores which would be very interesting for us to have now I'm thinking probably need yourself another shed for this of course and how much scrap do you have 90 not a ton of it that's for sure okay so we'll try and do the same thing as this one here across moves around here and then one out I think it was yeah looks about the same right yep I think that's good and right over here too we're gonna do ourselves another cap on this side here and start this and then rotate this up here okay so we have that going and then from in here probably to do some extra work stuff which is at least 30 yeah it's expensive how much left in here for Scavenging there's still some Salvage should be done nothing six sellers uh zero is six oh crap okay we might need to go out here and do some more work scavenge this out I think this one's done right now for we can use but be kind of careful just to make sure we're okay and we can rotate this here blocking objects okay because he's doing construction is this because uh inside it has to be outside oh interesting all right I don't think I want to put that next to that maybe we'll put it here we go on to the side of the shed here this will be able to do some refinements and stuff I like that a lot we also have a cook stop we got a cooked stove we can actually put maybe we should make that into here crooked TC and Chef meals right now it's not desperate we are using the stove but this is gonna be a little faster there's a large drying rack drives resources over time has a built-in roof that could be cool only takes 25 Wood where the hell would I put that next to well I don't think it's smelled too good over there maybe next to our resources over here yeah that makes sense to me so this way we have a bit of stuff small drying rack I want to go for a large drying rack it makes sense to me she's still researching like you wouldn't believe it's super happy there's a chopping block here to make some wood I don't think that's the most important thing we have to worry about there are these walled porches though which is something I think is bothering a lot of people has a wall no [ __ ] I don't know if they'll disturb them or not try one out I mean what's the worst here let's see what it looks like and we got this fine thing over here now oh physical three nice good job buddy let's grab time to make four hours okay so we need the Alloys we can actually start working on that can refuel this thing up until we want to let's just do like I don't have a ton of scrap it takes 10 scrap each oh boy okay let's not do that yet cars set the frick down dude hold off hold off deconstruct copy smelt I'm not sure if you can actually turn this off or not but it was it's all good it's not the world all right she's actually doing the uh the planting that's quite a few rows too yeah I think that's enough for now I believe that's enough someone done a silicon and all the other things to test out but that's okay we have the food going we have this dry Mark which we can instruct in the food all right it's time for us to grab one of the guys here where's Connor doing constructing wall okay wall torch I'm gonna take uh I'm gonna take Carter here oh he's gonna go scavenge I'm gonna take Reed actually what is she doing she's gonna eat right after she's done that we're gonna take her and try and kill off those animals on top the ridge here see what happens she doesn't have the big rifle or anything but she has a pistola maybe she can do something with that we'll let Connor go and do the scrapping over there which is needed we still have these here which we did say to cut down but I'm not sure why they're not someone could do some extra work here be nice and I think we'd be able to get herself out well she's had a nice conversation there we go with the guy who made fun of her that's great Krista has not stopped I hope she knows how to relax a little bit I look a little wall towards are actually very nice I'm not sure how long they last one day you kind of refuel it be good for a bit all right so they could constantly put that I wasn't sure if I showed where the sleeping area is seems a little off to put it there because I put one on this wall just to add a little bit to this area we are fast forwarding like crazier there's traps there's meat lures too and this is the fencing and stuff I was talking about we could probably do some farming oh they have the dartboard oh that could be fun that actually might be good for these people on top of their face their heads here no uh where's that typical against the wall I guess yeah I guess we could use this this will be a little bit of fun for them okay before he goes absolutely ape [ __ ] Connor I'm gonna need you to go and do some funny dude all right we're gonna draft them decide we're gonna go and try and shoot some animals or insects I should say all right buddy let's go and find out what these things do come over here a second oh my God there's more here butcher this up okay not too close Connor where are you attack let's see what it does dude oh [ __ ] doesn't do anything Connor good job Connor all right yeah we just need to butcher this up now that's really cool all right Connor um good job where are you to be on a bush you're inside a bush I can't find him there he goes all right cool undraft just do what you want to do now so Connor went out there was able to kill and read out with a gun that's still coming over here and pick up obviously they seem to have a hard time attacking which is good tells us to broadly to say we have a couple mushrooms up here we should go and observe oh it looks like berry bushes very flat someone needs to come observe this foreign Rita come here come here Connor damn it stupid freaking bugs Connor come over your draft come over here and the rest of you too I don't think we got anything crafted for Weaponry right now we didn't somebody had to do some stuff unfortunately I got a little bit sidetracked looks like we might have caused some issues uh we're gonna need to draft everybody I'm not sure does she fight I think she does not fight right is this something that she has a problem with there was it again she was under here health Combat Zero yeah she's not gonna fight so let's just grab raka and draft him up too okay bring everybody over here quick Rita is coming back a Full Throttle dudes yeah what's up now you guys want to fight Rita don't mess up dude there's some more of the rich here she's not alone at least she's low in a little bit why are they not moving a little closer together oh my God no no I put myself in a bad spot everybody run around here got another brought him for anyways he's got himself a knife or something once I get rid of these guys now we're gonna they're about to attack us anyways we're active and two more left to do foreign like little scarabs or beetles there okay we're good all right everybody's cool undraft everybody draft okay so we can butcher those beetles too that's pretty cool I guess maybe somebody should preserve one of them before we do that you find out they're actually good for us these ones we have no problems to butcher up so if somebody can come out here and do that work it'd be fantastic looks like we might have cleared up a little bit of area of crap and there's more food available there's courses will scarabs they look interesting maybe unobserved that one and observe the ones closest to us here yeah it seems more logical all right we're good let's get back to our place where we're doing everybody's doing some work kicking some stuff that we do have a dart board made already which is great this will be used to relaxations uh I think they may need some kind of lighting inside there to play so we do have a kind of it there we go torch I'm going to put like floor torches that's pretty cool but I think the wall one was kind of nice oh they got Windows a whole bunch of stuff just opened up yeah I got to fill yourself a real base next episode look at this with real walls oh I love that all right so yeah let's get this uh wall torch up right there so they can play it looks like Connor is awaiting treatments he's uh actually injured he's a cyborg what do you repair them with like the electronics awaiting treatments why don't you guys treat your cells it's not any problem with their health and just kind of chillaxing a little bit I don't know we're gonna see how everybody goes uh it was very cool though I think we worked out pretty good read is actually the one that's waiting treatment and she's not losing Health right now so I'm not positive how that's gonna work out uh we'll see how it goes and hopefully again other people can come back and do some work we're missing one guy he's over there Scavenging uh but yeah I think next episode we should be able to build some stuff up get yourself going I mean we'll start building up our houses right here on the side be kind of cool what the hell is that oh another one of these okay I'm not sure about insects or insects they seem to be dying everywhere okay so I think we'll leave the episode here works out pretty good I think they're pretty nice for today again if you guys and girls are enjoying us please show us a love hit the like button if you're brand new please don't subscribe if you're back to you of course at calm Fields um what do you think about Connor Krista uh raka or better known as Chad and Rita now there's some definitely some interesting uh things going on between all of them but we'll have to wait to see whether or not uh over here Mr medicine dude I'm not mistaken he did like to do a little bit of healing didn't he yeah indifferent okay well that hopefully he does it I think last time he one of the guys helped out the other guy so we'll see how thsat goe.

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